Thursday, May 17, 2012

Beautiful Light

This beautiful tree is growing, right here in my front yard...

I have posted about this tree before, but I wanted to show you a picture of the tree as it is, this year....

It is gorgeous!!  The leaves are kind of a yellow/green and it just 
illuminates my yard.... 

The light just seems to bounce off of each branch...

Genesis 1:3  And God said, Let there be light, and there was light.

Life can sometimes be full of darkness...illnesses, loss of a loved one, financial problems, moral issues, abuse of all kinds, disappointments, unsaved loved ones, and those deep valleys that we sometimes find ourselves smack dab in the middle of...

It is during these times, that we must remember that God is our glorious light!!  Because of our Heavenly Father, light is our foundation and it is our future...

We just need to release our problems and give them to the Lord...We must Trust Him to transform the dark valleys into paths of marvelous light....

Father God, you are Amazing and I thank you for being my light..

Blessings, sweet friends..

Shug ~


  1. How wonderful that His light shines through you! Blessings!

  2. That tree looks fabulous.Thanks for always having such wise words on your posts. Thank God for His light in my life.

  3. Great message, Shug.... Yes---God is our light. God takes away our burdens. Thanks be to God!!!!!!

    Beautiful tree.

  4. I can always count on coming here and being refreshed. Thank you. :)

    Beautiful tree, btw!

  5. This is a very beautiful and healthy tree. Do you know what kind it is? Love your new header, and those stunning blue eyes!

  6. That is a fabulous tree- such a pretty green. Yes- give it all up to Him- He knows every breath we take and there is no need to worry.

  7. You are so right! And that tree is beautiful. God's light can reach into the darkest places and transform lives. I watched a special on Afghanistan and the women there. They have the second highest birth mortality rate in the world and only 18% of those survive to their first year. We can't imagine this, yet it is all they know. We need to pray that God's light continues to pierce the darkness for those poor people.
    Not our government, but prayer that they come to know the truth. Truth is light, isn't it Shug!
    Deb :D

  8. Great idea to rest in the Lord - and my goodness you have some blue eyes in your family! sandie


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