Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Best Kind of Gift

One of my favorite all time flowers is the gorgeous gardenia...
I love, love, love the fragrance of this sweet and delicate flower...

How many of you know what flowers your friends like best?  Guess what?  .....
I don't either!

I am very blessed to have a special friend who knows me well enough to know how much I adore gardenias.  This past Tuesday, she came by my house and brought me a bouquet of hydrangeas and gardenias...picked from her yard!

My kitchen has smelled so fragrant ever since.  Each time I walk over to the sink, the sweetest smell greets me and gives me a big smile...  

Gifts like this are the BEST!!
so simple, but yet so very thoughtful....

thanks, Marsha Kay!
Big hugs to you.....

Don't something wonderful for a friend today!

Sweet Hugs to each of you...



  1. What a thoughtful friend you have. :) I love gardenias too. We just planted a small bush in the garden and the 3 blooms on it make the whole area fragrant.

  2. Gardenias were my mom's favorite flower. The smell of them always brings back sweet memories...

  3. You are special and thanks for helping me out!! Loved the picture and blog!

  4. You are a lucky lady to have a friend like that!! I know those flowers smelled delicious! blessings ~ tanna

  5. What a wonderful friend she is! I have to say I do not know any of my friend's favorite flowers, but that will change now!!!! I have never seen or smelled a gardenia, could you please waft some this way?

  6. I LOVE gardenias!!!! Unfortunately, they don't do really well here. I used to grow them but they're so susceptible to mites and other bad stuff. I grew them inside for a long time, but eventually tired of the battle. That fragrance, though! There's nothing like it.

  7. What a lovely thoughtful gift - hoping your kitchen still smells sweet :)
    Mary x


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