Friday, May 18, 2012

Lift Up Your Children

Hey, did you know that children are Blessings from the Lord?

Every child needs to experience a ride on an old tire swing...these things are way beyond what I call fun!  Our tree swing is attached to an old pecan tree that is located on the kitchen side of our home..

I love to watch the kids play on the big ol' worn out tire...

There are times in our life, when it is easy to lose faith in our family and friends....We still love them, even though we feel a sense of being "let down."

If we are not careful, the disappointment that we feel can  weigh heavy on our hearts, 
and it becomes somewhat easy to let anger rear it's ugly head...

I am an observer of people!!  I do like to sit back and watch the behaviors of people....
I find it very interesting to watch the reactions of people when they are totally unaware that others have their eyes on them.

But, let me tell is when we think that no one else is looking, that our REAL style as a person, our real personality and our somewhat ugly demeanor, can rise to  the surface.....  Our social graces become hidden and seem to disappear under pressure....

What kind of pressure???  When our kids do not perform in a fashion of perfectionism.....
When we do not give our kids or other people around us, the same compassion and understanding that we give to ourselves, and EXPECT from others....

It's a good thing that I'm not....(or perhaps I should be,) involved with the CPS office.  I just do not understand certain behaviors of parents towards their children....
Words can wound a child's heart and these wounds are not easy to repair.  I am appalled at the emotional abuse that parents dish out to children......

Maybe they do not consider it abuse....Maybe this is how they were treated as a child....I do  not know....

What I do know is that God lends our children to us...He trust us to raise them in homes that are filled with love...
Love that follows us where ever we go!!

Could I ever say enough about this topic?
No....I could go on and on!  However, it's not about what we (as bystanders)'s about what we do!

Lift up your children today!!

Whew....I feel better!

Cheerful hugs!


  1. You and I would be great buddies, Shug. I agree with everything you say!

  2. How I would love a porch like in the photo. Who wouldn't want to come home to that?

  3. Shug I couldn't agree more! sandie

  4. So true! I like to "observe" people too and I often wonder if they really don't know any better??? I have wondered often why God gave me a "special" child but I figured it out that God knew we would take care of Amber :)


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...


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