Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Howdy Y'all....you will all be happy to know that I purchased the trash can!!  Oh yes I did!!

We will pick it up in a couple of weeks, so I will have between now and then to decide how I want to paint it!  This is going to be one of those fun projects.... 

My heart has been somewhat heavy for our grandkids, today.  They are taking the "BIG TEST" today!  You know, the one that decides whether or not you are smart enough to move up a grade at the beginning of next year.

Tori came home sick yesterday...Her stomach was hurting and she had a headache!  
The diagnosis for this, was NERVES!

She was so nervous about the test she had to take today.

I don't know how the rest of you feel about these kind of test, but I truly feel that our education program has gotten out of hand.
I don't even know what this year's test is called....the reason being,  because the state has changed the name of the test so many times.

Of course, you know what happens when you change the name of the test don't you?  All new materials have to be printed and new guidelines are enforced.  What a waste in my opinion!

What ever happened to the good ol' achievement test that students used to have to take, ever other year??  It was good enough for us, so why would it not be good enough for kids these days?

Not only does the state education program make it difficult for the kids, but this is really stressful for teachers!  Oh my, I had better stop right here with this conversation, or I might get myself in trouble...

Anyways.....our kids have more testing this week, so please be in prayer for these little darlings.  

Sure hope the weather is treating everyone nicely...It is beautiful here!  I can barely see, but the weather is gorgeous.  For the first time in forever, I am having allergies.  My eyes are red and feel so itchy.  I can't seem to quit scratching them...Hopefully this will pass SOON!

Well....that's it for now.  Talk to all of you, LATER!



  1. Sorry about your allergies, and those tests! Our university kids are in the middle of their finals and I feel so bad for them! I wish I could take their place, but that might not work out so well for them!lol
    Blessings on your day!
    ps- www.picmonkey.com is a fab site for photo editing! It has become my new picnik:)

  2. That's a really pretty flower. These tests shouldn't be so stressful that they make the kids sick!!!! But on to happier things; yeah about the trash can! Are you going to use it for trash or something else? I bet not for trash!

  3. Glad you got the trash can and prayers have been said! I do understand!

  4. Andy finished 5 days of it today. And he took the other tests at the beginning of the year.

    It is re-donk-que-lous! sandie

  5. Good for you. I will look in later to see what your plans atre or your new treasure. Prayer lifted. Those tests are a struggle. My boys took them just recently. I can not argue with their opinions. No they will more than likely never use some of what they ate required to learn. Oh I can not even do some of their math homework. It has been a huge struggle to keep my 17 yr. old in school. Blessings!

  6. I thought you would get that trash can. I know it will look fabulous when you have put your touch on it.

  7. Good luck to the test takers!
    Hope Tori is feeling better.

    And you too. Good ol' allergies?

    Take care.


  8. Shug
    That does seem ridiculous to have to be tested each year. I thought that's what grade card marks were for-to determine if you were cutting the mustard or not.
    I do feel for the children growing up today. Life was sure simpler in the good ol' days!

  9. Hi Shug!

    Your poor little kidos . . . :0( I hate taking tests - whatever happened to teachers deciding whether they pass or not? I was under the impression that they took tests all year long to determine that?! More red tape and politics in the school systems I guess! I will keep them in my prayers.

    So glad you bought the can!! I can't wait to see it!

    I also have allergies - in fact I have asthma too, so a double whammy - prayers for both of us!

    My husband had arthritis in his shoulders, so he had them scoped and cleaned. His right shoulder had been damaged when he was 18, so there was lots of rotor cuff damage . . . ouch! The surgeries were only three weeks apart, so he is hurting a little.


  10. I'm sure your grands will do fine with their testing! I'm not sure about our education system anymore. I would think that the grades and testing throughout the school year would determine if a child was ready for the next grade!!

    Hope you get relief from the allergies, they are no fun.

    Have a nice day!

  11. oh dear..well, I just want to tell you this.
    They didn't used to have these tests, I know, but when I hear complaints I remember a young man that was a friend of my two sons. There was even a photo of him on the front page of our local newspaper which showed him tossing his cap & tassel into the air at graduation.
    Well, after four years of high school, he could hardly read. That's right. He could NOT read. How he did this no one knows but it happens.
    When he applied for jobs, he would take the application home and his wife filled them out. He always said he had to rush off and would bring the app. back. He also kept a list of answers to application question his wife made for him in his wallet.
    I know it's difficult for the children but at least they find out who was left behind so that our children don't go out into the world uneducated. :) I do know it's stressful though. Still, there IS a reason.
    Love and hugs..


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