Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Word for The Day....Celebrate!

If I were choosing a word to concentrate on today, I believe my special word would be 

We have so many amazing things to celebrate...
I celebrate LIFE!  Waking up each morning, knowing that my day will be filled with many blessings, given to me from my Heavenly Father, that Loves me so very much

I choose to celebrate family.....My wonderful husband that loves me with all his heart....all of the precious darlings that I love so dearly and many others that know me as their mom, daughter, grandmother, sister, and aunt...
I love these people!!

I love to celebrate friends.....New and old.


how about those things that bring me happiness?

Clean, fresh sheets!  Lunch with a dear friend!
 My Faith and my Church family!
A garden of flowers and cold coke, me time, baseball, sonic tea with extra ice, dreams and memories, etc, etc, etc.

I also choose to celebrate our home and the love that surrounds each of us!

(I made this arrangement of flowers for Homecoming Sunday at our church)

And, my day would not be complete if I did not celebrate the gifts that God has given me!

God has given each of us, beautiful talents.  
We just need to put our talents into action and ask HIM for the confidence we need in order to 
use these talents for HIS Glory!

CELEBRATE.....what an amazing word!

I hope you will enjoy your day and remember to celebrate it by giving thanks to the Lord.


Shug ~


  1. Yes! Celebrate is a wonderful word! And you have many things to celebrate, lucky you!!
    I LOVE that flower arrangement you made too!

  2. I choose to celebrate with you, Shug, for all the same reasons. We are so fortunate.
    ox Mona

  3. Shug, you are very talented at flower arranging!! It is beautiful!!! Are you the one in charge of the flowers at the altar? The front of your church looks exactly like ours!!!!!

  4. I think you're one good florist!!!

  5. Hi Shug, What an uplifting, wonderful post... I love it!!!! YES---we do need to celebrate life...There's joy all around. We just need to embrace it.

    Your flower arrangement is GREAT....


  6. Truly we have so much to celebrate. Worried about ingratitude we started years ago to end our day with scriptures and then to say three things we are grateful for or the best thing that happened to us that day and some things we are grateful for. It sure helps us focue on celebrating the positive in our lives!

  7. Hi Shug!

    I think we all need to celebrate life a little more often - sometimes, I forget how fortunate I am - God is so good to us!

    The flower arrangement is gorgeous - you are one talented lady!!


  8. I always feel better after my visits here. You are an inspiration. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary


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