Monday, April 23, 2012

Little Pink Diva

All it takes is just a little time, and anyone can come up with
a fabulous looking table.

And, who says that it has to be all about money?  There are plenty of bargains out there....all we need to do is shop!

Take these darling Diva plates....who would guess that they came from the dollar store?   

Adorable!!  Just a plain ol' tennis shoe
(well, a blingy tennis shoe)

Add some ribbons, lace and flowers, and 
Ooo, La, La.....
You have yourself a darling little addition to a beautiful centerpiece!

What lady would  not love, sitting around a "Diva" table, sipping hot tea and enjoying a fun filled evening with good friends?

Great conversation....and a little Pink Diva....
I'm all in!!

Blessing Y'all


  1. Thank you for posting this. It’s exactly what I was looking for!

  2. I will be happy to share a table with you.The decorating is fabulous.

  3. Nothing wrong with a tiny bit of Diva attitude!

  4. Hi Shug!

    Your posts always make me smile.... :0) I am such a diva at heart! I just love bling, bling, bling! The tennis shoe is such an adorable idea, my granddaughter would love it!


  5. ... and Debbie heads to the Dollar Store to look for diva plates!

    I love those. That's just plain cute.

  6. That is sooooooooo cute - from the dollar store - I'm off tomorrow. sandie

  7. Beautiful! I love the shoe idea! One year someone posted a child's rubber boot filled with flowers..I love different ideas!

  8. Well, you also have to have decorating talent and vision, neither of which I have, so I can only drool at your lovely creations.

  9. This is adorable, and I can't believe you found that plate at the Dollar Store!!!!!

    Your comment made me smile because I can totally relate. Today a friend stopped by and asked to use my bathroom.

    Fortunately, the bathroom was clean but on the way to the bathroom she had to walk through the living room which was a bit messy with papers on the coffee table and a laundry basket on the floor (not to mention a few things left in the entry hall). Oh well!

  10. That is a great idea, Shug! I love a little bling myself! That sure would be a fun table to sit at.

  11. What a clever table you set, Shug. I don't know anyone who would not enjoy a seat at your table. I hope you have a wonderful evening. Blessings...Mary

  12. Oh I am loving the Diva plates! So adorable! Have a wonderful day. Visiting from TTT


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........