Friday, March 2, 2012

Think I'll Try Pink...

Good Morning everyone............

I'd love to talk to ya' for awhile.........

I have always wanted to join in on "Pink Saturday" but the truth is, I really do not have that much Pink in my life......

Both of our girls are now married and I would probably guess that it has been at least  10 years since I last saw Pink hanging in the closets.

Ever once in a while, one of our granddaughters will leave one of their hair bows here at Shug's, but other than that....we don't see pink.

I think it is a gorgeous color, just not one that I would normally choose...I'M GOING TO TRY TO BE BETTER ABOUT THIS!

I suppose that it's the boy thing that we have going on here in the family.   With four grandsons (who are all very active in sports) there just has not ever been room for pink!

In order for me to join you today, I went around looking for anything that I could find with some pink on it!  Check this out and see if it qualifies....

A pink flowered headband.....would you believe that it belongs to me?  I have no idea why I made this purchase...I'll bet I was thinking it would go great with Black slacks and a black sweater..

My pink zebra readers.....I can only guess that I got a good bargain on these....

You know, I think I'm getting into the swing of this "Pink Thing".........

I'm already thinking Pink for next week....

Y'all have a great Pink Saturday, and many blessings to you each of you...

Enjoy the weekend, and whatever you do....don't be Blue!



  1. Love the vintage pink phone, so sweet! Laura

  2. Lovin' the PINK!! Happy PINKness Day!


  3. The zebra glasses look TOO cool, I'd like to see more of them. And the headband WOULD look good with all black.

  4. I am with you! I don't often have pink but I love to join in when I can! I am lovin' the readers the best. You have to have a lot of pizzazz to wear those cuties! Happy Pink Saturday.

  5. cute. love the phone!

    barbara jean

  6. You did great for pink Saturday-love the phone and the other pink details-have a great weekend!

  7. You did great for pink Saturday-love the phone and the other pink details-have a great weekend!

  8. Welcome to Pink Sat--one of the best blog parties going. Great job finding some pink-my grandgirls would love the flower. I have pink everywhere for them-but I like pink too. Come on over for a visit.

  9. Hi Shug!

    I love pink too, but don't have much around the house! I love the phone - I would have loved one of those when I was a teen!


  10. Glad you found some pinks to share because I love those glasses. Happy Pink Saturday!

  11. Shug, I love the flower head band. Shoot, you culd wear it as a wrist wrap also.

    I hope you will pop by to help us bring 'angel love' for a young girl who is sick.

    Thank you.
    Have a beautiful PS weekend ~

  12. I'm digging the zebra specks- I think I need a pair!

  13. Hi Shug, you got me to thinking...I don't have much in pink either! I do have one pink jacket that is hanging in the closet, but I never wear it. I do like pink even if I don't have much of it and I think the vintage pink phone is neat.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  14. Cute post, I wouldn't be able to find much pink either. :o)

  15. Happy Pink Saturday!
    It is always nice to see what each lovely lady is up to...and the creativity that flows...I pray that you all have a blessed week !
    Please come by my blog anytime...I love having you!
    God Bless......Kandy


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