Sunday, March 4, 2012

24 hours...

Tom and his helper, Hallee 

For 24 straight hours, our son-in-law endured grueling pain as he aimed the ball relentlessly at the goal....

"Free Throws for Souls"

This event began this past Friday morning at 8 A.M. and ended at 8 P.M. Sat. morning.  
Tom shot free throws for 24 hours straight!!!

Free Throws for Souls is an event that Tom put together last year....The money raised, was used for missions!  
Last year, he MADE over 7,000 free throws....

This years event was even bigger.....

As you can see, Tom shot 18,932 balls and he made

Pledges were made, based upon the number of basketballs that went through the net if someone pledged one cent for each free throw made, they would have given $123.73

The money raised this year is going to two different missions..

Part of it will go to "God's Open Hands" which is a community mission field right here in Chandler...The money raised for this mission is used to help feed and cloth families that are in great need....

The other will go to a missionary that our church supports...

I am extremely proud of Tom for his endurance and his determination to finish this event.....
I am also proud of the people in our community!

Our community really rallied together for Tom and this event...  Several local people set up booths and there was a bounce house for the little kids...Our church provided FREE food!

It took a lot of effort on the part of all involved.  Our Pastor and his wife worked diligently, not only by raising funds and support for Tom, but they did everything that they could do to keep Tom comfortable during the complete 24 hour time...

Calecia kept water heated for the foot massage that she provided for Tom to use during his 10 minute break.  She also made sure that he was keeping enough liquids in his system by providing him with much needed gatorade and water.
Pastor Mark was busy keeping everyone on schedule...

There were so many volunteers who came to rebound, count, and give support....As a matter of fact, several men stayed all night long in order to help and rally Tom on.....

I am so thankful for the dedication and help of sooooo many people..

I Praise God for our community and for helping Tom 
raise money for missions....

All the Glory is given to God!

Blessings to each of you on this beautiful Sunday morning.



  1. What a great mission, Shug. I know that you are ALL proud of Tom and what he did for God...

    Have a blessed Sunday.

  2. This seems to be a perfect example of how we need each other.Great things can be accomplished when we work together.Way to go Tom and his church.

  3. Wow, I am so impressed. Unreal. He made so many baskets. He must be exhausted. What a wonderful cause. Congrats to him. Hugs, Marty

  4. Hu Shug!

    I love it!! We need a few more "Toms" in the world!!

    Have a wonderful Sunday!


  5. What a fine man your SIL is! It was a beautiful thing to do to raise money for missions. And nice shooting, too!!

  6. Wow, what a great idea!!!! I bet that now he will sleep for 24 hours!! You have such a caring community!

  7. Wow! I am so impressed! This is such a wonderful idea as well. So nice that you have this kind of commitment within your church.

  8. Amazing! I know you are so proud of Tom, Shug! Great job by all concerned. Awesome!! blessings ~ tanna

  9. I am sure the kids will thank him but I thank him too for doing it - what a great man. sandie

  10. WOW! What a wonderful ministry! Hooray for Tom!

  11. Congratulations to Tom.
    That's a lot of throwing.



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