Friday, March 2, 2012

Peace of Mind....

Contentment....  contentment is "Peace of Mind"

Does this mean that we must acquire everything in life that we WANT in order to be content?  The answer is  NO!

Contentment comes in all kinds of sizes...take this waterfall for example:  I was embraced with happiness when Sam and I came across this little waterfall.  The sound of the water rolling across the rocks was so peaceful.  My happiness came in knowing that it was not by accident that we just happened to take a road that led us to come across the waterfall.  It was God's desire to provide this moment of peace and serenity for Sam and I.

does contentment mean having all the money that your heart desires?

does it mean being able to acquire all the possessions that your heart desires?

does it mean that you have "Power" to control the things going on around you?

Well...... perhaps money, possessions, and power can bring us portions of some kind of fulfillment and cause us to believe that we are content.....
But, these things are not permanent?

Don't get me wrong here....I think one can be successful and content at the same time, but it requires work on our part.  We must be willing to acknowledge that we can not plan our happiness based upon material things..

We will never find the contentment that we are seeking, if we do not acknowledge that all things come from God.

What we must do is to strive to be a person of faith rather than a person that is looking for fame.

We must strive to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.

We must learn to give generously from our hearts.

We need to seek every opportunity that comes our way, to pour out God's love to others.

And...we must follow the promptings of our heart rather than the desires of our flesh.

When we spend time with God, and are willing to recognize His love for us, we will be able to invest in the contentment that He desires for us to have and we will find Peace of mind!



  1. Amen! Your posts are so uplifting and timely. Thanks.

  2. Hi Shug!

    I have missed you too!!

    What a beautiful post, and so appropriate for our times. I have always said that some of the richest people I know, are also the poorest. I think it is so important to acknowledge God's hand in every aspect of our lives. He wants us to be happy and content, and as long as we make him the center of our lives, we can find that contentment - thank you sweet friend!


  3. Shug,

    You hit the nail on the head! Contentment only comes when our eyes are on God.

    Have a lovely evening,


  4. Glorious photo's and as always ever so inspiring.

    Much love


  5. Glad I didn't miss this post, Shug. Thanks for pointing it out for us...

    Now you know why we love waterfalls so much!!!!! There's just nothing better than to be hiking in the woods and come upon a glorious waterfall there just for us... GOD is GOOD....

    Thanks for sharing your waterfall with us.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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