Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Quite Times....

Yippy Ky Yay.........

I just love my "Quite Time!"

I'm almost positive that I was born several generations too late....(ha)

Can't you just imagine how quite it must have been out on the prairie,

during the days of chuckwagons and cattle drives?  I'm speaking of the night time hours...

For those of you who know me well, please do not laugh!

Just let me relish and take great pleasure in my thoughts of those seemingly good days.

How sweet it must have been to lay in the back of a wagon and glance up at the night

time sky....watching the stars as they would shoot across into the darkness, leaving the imagination

to imagine.

(There is no way I could dream of being on the ground at night....I'm too scared of snakes!)

You know, the folks of those days were truly Blessed in a special kind of way...

SIMPLE......those were the days of simplicity...

Oh yes, QUITE TIME.....something that we rarely are able

to experience these days.....

Our world is full of craziness!!  I said, our world is full of craziness.....

This world and our surroundings are anything but QUITE!!

I have even noticed that in my (FEW) moments of quiteness, I find myself

thinking about the grocery list and what I might have forgotten to jot down...

I find myself thinking about things that I must do or challenges that

might be waiting for me in the near future......

I fail to savor the moments of quiteness when it does come my way.....

I think it's time to get back to my love of quite times...

Enjoy the peaceful moments of the day ,with NO sounds of a TV, radio or

cell phone!!  I need to allow my brain to "air out"...let it experience

stillness and  Shhhhhhhh times!

~ ~ ~ ~

give me a wagon.....give me a prairie.....give me the stars.....

Let me delight myself in the days of old!

Let me see the stars and let me step into my dreams....and into the quite times that I long for!

Enjoy some quite time today....

hugs......Shug ~


  1. I am a lil house on the prairie kinda gal myself :]

  2. I do love quiet time. It is really how I recharge, but maybe not in the wagon! lol

  3. "Be still ans know that I am God". I think this is what that means! And not only that, you are right. When we have some quiet time, we think of all kinds of things that we can't in the hustle and bustle. It is rejuvenating to our brains!

  4. You know I think about that too - and wish I could go back and visit.

    But just think one bladder infection or something like this - you could die.

    I would love to visit.


  5. I agree with Farm Chick and I like my bathroom too much if you get my drift! :)


  6. Hi Shug!

    You don't know how many times I have thought about the same things! My great-great-grandparents came across the plains in a wagon and pulling handcarts - after reading some of their diaries, I changed my mind! It was so hard! That said, I still think it would be fun to give it a try... ;0)

    I have to agree with you though, there is so much noise in today's world, that I don't think we ever really get a chance to just "be still".

    Fun post!


  7. Hi Shug, I think that is one reason I love the country so much. The quietness. You can hear the gentle sounds of nature and those are the sounds that don't grate on the nerves! I sometimes think that is why I'm such a night owl, because it's quieter at night. Good post! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  8. This is lovely. I did an experiment back at the beginning of the year where I shut off all noise for a few days. What I discovered was that it was beautiful. It wasn't silent, but truly quiet. In the quiet, I could hear things I would otherwise not hear.

    (And I laughed right out loud at the snake interjection. Me too!)


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