Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Old Barn...

We have a nice cool morning here in East Texas, and I am so loving it!   It's time to shift my focus to the other side of the closet...Winter clothes!!

I love this old barn.......I have no idea how old it is....I do know that it has been on the farm, for as long as I can remember.....

I do believe it has seen some better days!

I know that a good many of you will be able to relate to this post....

Aging Parents....

Do you remember going through those teenage years....wanting to be so independent, wanting to do the things that we wanted to do, without the advise of our parents?  Well....there is a flip side to this scenerio.....our aging parents want the same things...

It can be quite challenging at times, when taking care of our aging parents!!  As they continue to get older, there comes a time when they need our help.....They still want to drive...they still want their independence...they do not want us to tell them what to do!!

Aging has it's way of robbing our parents from the ability to totally care for themselves.....Things like dementia or alzheimers can be very debilitating....and then there are the normal health issues that come along, that can be very challenging....

I am beginning to see some of these changes taking place in my  dad and I will admit.....this is not an easy task!

I find that sometimes I can feel a slight rise in my blood pressure   when I have to repeat myself SEVERAL times in any given day....or when I have to answer the same question over and over and over again!!

And then.....I think about all the sacrifices that were made for me, by my parents, as I was growing up.....I am almost positive that they too, must have felt these same exact feelings when, as a child,  I would ask the same question over and over again.

Even through the stressful times, it is very important for me to keep in mind that it is an Honor and Priveledge for me to be able to care for my dad!!

Thank you Lord!

Warm Blessings,




  1. Oh I have been there having cared for both of my folks before they passed. It is a very hard time because we know what is coming and we just want them to always be there strong like when we were young. My prayers are with you on this journey.

  2. Hi Shug!

    You always know just what I need to hear! My mother is getting Alzheimers/Dementia, I think they are pretty much the same thing. It's so easy to lose patience with them at times. Thank you for reminding me to be kind and thoughtful and remember that I was a child (and a naughty one at that!)who they loved unconditionally.

    Beautiful old barn... :0)


  3. I agree - life seems like a circle doesn't it?

    Did you change your blog - nice.

    And i like the barn - it aged nicely.


  4. Is that a new header? It is beautiful! And I LOVE that barn, it has plenty of charm!!! Dealing with aging parents is worse then dealing with our children. Because we are supposed to be the boss of our children. It is such a fine line.

  5. What is it about old barns that make people love them so? As my parents are aging many issues/concerns are already cropping up. I know many more are to come. Life is a circle.

  6. Answering the same questions over and over requires a ton of patience and even more self-discipline.... and a lot of prayer. Honoring is the key part. I know you're doing a great job. blessings ~ tanna

  7. I can so relate to this and know the delicate dance between a parent and their child through the aging process. I'm cheering you on.
    xo jj

  8. such a beautiful post, my dad is gone now 10 years and i know exactly what you're speaking of,,


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