Monday, October 31, 2011

Dream A Little Dream

Dream a Little Dream.....

I think it's loads of fun to imagine ways of decorating your home in order to set the mood of a warm welcome for your family and guest.....

The best way to dream is to open our hearts to those things that make us happy....for me, it's family!

So therefore, I allow my vision to open up the possibilities of
telling a story, about those I love, and I do it right here in my own home...

My husband, my kids, and my grandkids, light up my world....
I love to decorate with light....I do this by using several lamps and several candles.....Of course, in the winter, you will always find a glowing light in the fireplace.....

I also decorate with family photos....You can never go wrong by placing pictures of those you love on any table or shelf....

Who can go wrong with color?  I love color and in every season, you can always find certain colors that will boost the decor of your home....

It is a well know fact that I love to move things around in our
home....the best way to acknowledge this to those who might ask me why I do this.....Is:  "It makes for a Healthy Home!  Oh yes, by moving things around, I find myself constantly dusting and picking up bits and pieces of trash....

The most important thing is allowing the Lord to be
the center of your home....."As for me and my house, We Will Serve the Lord."   Joshua    24:15

Don't be afraid to display your love for the Lord!

Dream, Imagine....Create.....

Allow yourself the sweet satisfaction of knowing that
you have created a place of warmth....and that everywhere you turn
you find complete happiness.....


shug ~

today,I'm joining Marty @ a stroll thru life .......for her cloche party...Be sure to stop by and visit her place....


  1. What a beautiful post. When we moved a year ago, we decided that we would post scripture and inspirational words in each room of our new house. We love to see God's Word in our everyday settings. Visiting from TTT.

    Jocelyn @

  2. Oh I love how you use your cloches with the candles and then also showcasing the lovely pumpkin. Your displays are gorgeous. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

  3. Shug, I'm coming over from the cloche party...what a great post!! While your cloches are just is your spirit! Your home is just filled with warmth and love! Thanks so much for sharing! Blessings to you!

  4. What a lovely home you have created for your family and friends. You have a kind and generous spirit and it's a real pleasure to come visit you!

    Susan and Bentley

  5. oh that looks so beautiful and romantic.. lovely job indeed..


  6. Beautiful post, I agree, you can't go wrong with pictures of the people you love. I am a new follower.

  7. Wonderful post and I love your tiny little candles under the cloches!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Beautiful post!! I was given a cross with that verse on it from my church! Your blog is so wonderful and inspiring!!

  9. Yea!! I can comment again. Amen to all of the above, Shug!! Amen! blessings to you and yours ~ tanna

  10. Very pretty! I like the candlelight photos!


  11. Your home is so lovely and inviting with the beautiful things and glowing lights. I move things around seasonally, but am not as good at it as you are!

  12. Great use of cloches!Lovely disply and gorgeous colours. Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  13. Your entire post is wonderful!
    I do enjoy candles, especially in Fall and Winter. Come winter, it's difficult to walk in our home without the fireplace lit up. :)
    Happy November Shug!

  14. What lovely cloche post...warm and loving.

    Tassels Twigs and Tastbuds

  15. I love the use of candles under the cloche. It gives such a warm and beautiful light. Great post.

  16. Oh I love your little pumpkin, what a wonderful sentiment. Won't you come by my blog and post a comment on my Thanksgiving dilemma? Jennifer

  17. This is really adorable.

    Loving your inspirational thoughts "DREAMS".

    Have a Shuggy TTT...

    Greetings from Stockholm,


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