Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fun Post...

Ok....before you think I have lost my ever-loving mind, let me explain....I was listening, and NO, I didn't say eavesdropping, to a group of ladies talking the other day, and the topic of conversation was MEN and how they dress.....

I thought it was kinda interesting, so I just sat there and continued to LISTEN. 
There is so much hype about the way (WE) women dress, but in our area, one hears very little about the way men dress or their styles....

I do know that there a lot of places in this country where the dress style of men is just as important as that of a woman...Take New York City for example....The men are all about style and the way they present themselves....Same probably holds true for other places like Hollywood, LA, Chicago and many of the larger cities throughout the country...

Lets see here.....

We have the Business Casual look

The Casual look.....jeans, shirt worn outside, T-shirt, stylish shoes...

The Tim McGraw look.......western men's wear

                                                The working man look

The golf shirts and slacks look.....

The Farmer look

The Business Look.....

I know there must be some styles that I missed, but these are just a few that I heard them talking about....

Can you guess what was the #1 picked style??

It was the.......

Casual Look....

Again, that means some nice jeans, shirt tale OUT....t-shirt and stylish shoes..
Oh yeah..the sleeves rolled up just a bit!!

#2 was......

The Tim McGraw Look

Western look....faded jeans with a worn look....

Since this is just meant to be a fun post, I thought I'd let you give me
some feedback as to which of these you like.....
How do you prefer your husband or friend to dress???

Have a good Day....

shug !


  1. I just love that first one, business casual!! Maybe I''m a stick-in-the-mud?

  2. Well I prefer a nice pair of dockers and a great shirt tucked in, sleeves can be rolled up. Next I would swap out the dockers for a great pair of clean, not really faded jeans and the same shirt tucked in. Neat and clean. Fun post. Hugs, Marty

  3. well my hubby was a farmer once, he was a workman longer and now he is just casual,,he wears nice jeans, shirt in and nice shoes.He also wears dockers in the summer with nice shirt and good sandals.He is very fussy for a guy,, I'm proud of him in this department,,

  4. My vote is for the casual look, a nice faded pair of jeans and shirt out. But sometimes it depends on the occasion. I's fashion is kind of boring. Women keep things moving and exciting, but men's clothing seems stagnant. I mean, how long has the tie been around now anyway? lol And don't get me started with the ones who expose their underwear. Oy vey! Hope you're having a good weekend, Shug.

  5. A guy could wear the most in-fashion outfits - for church, for business, for casual life - but if he is not clean, has oily hair, a foul mouth, a high on himself attitude, I'm not impressed!

    I'm glad the casual look was the #1 picked style. Most men look so choked up in a tie, lol!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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