Sunday, May 1, 2011

Seeds Of Power

It's not what happens in our life that makes us happy or unhappy....It's how we preceive these events and then process them......

Thoughts have "Great Power"

They are like seeds that we plant in our mind.
The more that we hold onto a particular thought, the more power we invest into it....

Positive thoughts give us energy and strength.
On the other hand, negative thoughts rob of us
Negative thoughts also make us feel tired and they drain
us of our motivation.....

When we sow a thought, we reap action....When we reap an action, it becomes very easy to reap a habit....
When we reap a habit, we develop a character and
with character, comes our destiny!!

Celebrate this Beautiful day...

Shug ~


  1. Hmmm,I do agree with what you are saying,but,and it's a big one today.How can I see a spring blizzard in a positive light?I think I have one idea,I need time to prepare for a future photography presentation and this would be a good day to start.Hope your day is filled with beauty.

  2. G'morning, Shug,
    We have a few rain clouds hanging around this first day of May....I need to go outside and do the rain dance. :))

  3. wise words,,such a joy to come see you,,

  4. After a good night's sleep, I'm still tired - maybe I need a cup of jump start! Have a positively perfect day!

  5. Absolute great truth to ponder on.

  6. I love your beautiful stained glass window! Negative thoughts drag us down. Life is way too short to dwell on them, they make our life miserable. How can we encourage others when we ourselves are negative?

  7. Dear Shug, I love visiting you. You're zest for life and joy is infectious! Celebrating this beautiful day with you. With love and care from Kerrie. xOx

  8. Wise words that I needed today! Received some news last week that I wasn't expecting, but I know I need to be positive and move forward anyway!!!!

  9. You are so right! Great post!


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