Monday, May 2, 2011

All about Routine!

I can not believe that it is already 6:00 on Monday afternoon, and I have not even posted my blog today....

Where has the day gone?

I have to ask myself:  Am I a person of routine?  I definitely believe that I must be...It's the unexpected, out of ordinary things that can really throw my day off...

For me, routine means....I can go throughout my morning without much thought...I know what to do and I move forward...Another huge thing is that routine brings about self-discipline and organization for me.
All in all, ROUTINE brings me comfort and more stability.....

How many of you have routines that you follow each and every morning?
You know, like prayer time, coffee, breakfast, getting dressed for the day and so on and so on.

I am almost certain that I have previously shared with you how making my bed is a MUST DO FOR ME....If I walk out of this house without making my bed, then I feel like my day is out of sync.

This morning I had to leave around 6:45 in order to have my dad at the Doctor for a 7:30 appointment.
I left Sam in bed, so therefore my bed did not get made before I left.  YIKES!  Throws my day completely off..

Today was a different kind of day all together...Not only did the day start out backwards, but it has been a rainy, cool, and dreary MONDAY.  Our temps have been in the 50's and tonight it is dropping into the 40's.

I suppose it could be a combination of all of the above as to why I have neglected TODAY'S routines............

Oh well...Tomorrow will be another day!!

Till Then....

Shug ~


  1. sounds like an early night for you,, tomorrow everything will be as right as rain,, (hopefully no rain ,, its just a saying),,I know exactly how you feel, I'm the same way about my dishes being done as well.I don't like coming home to an unmade bed or dirty dishes.We are all creatures of habit I think routine is a good thing,, most of the time.I like to know whats coming up next,,, most of the time,, lol,, not always though ,,, surprises are all good too!

  2. I like a routine and have a nice early morning routine before I wake the kids up for school. A nice quiet start to my day is essential!

  3. I was worried about you - wondered where your post was. Glad you are OK, just out of routine. Sam should have made the bed. Hope to see you this week.

  4. I wondered what had happened to you when I checked your blog mid-afternoon. You are so regular that I was hoping you weren't glad you're alright!

  5. I definitely thrive on routines,especially in the morning.And yes,I too like to have my bed made before I leave the house.

  6. I'm lucky to get out the door and to work on time. I love when my bed's made but until I retire, that's likely not going to happen. I gave that up long ago. I need to get into a routine for prayer, but so far it hasn't happened either. I even got an iphone app to help me keep track of prayers and still can't seem to get with the program.

  7. I understand completely, particularly about making the bed. Mine gets made before I leave the room and if DH is still asleep, I still make my side. Silly, but it's what keeps me grounded, next to my first cup of coffee, breakfast with DH, and a call to Mom. We are creatures of habit.
    Sometimes, tho, there are just not enough hours in our day to 'get it all done.'
    Have a routine week and

  8. So glad that I was taught how to have a meaningful routine, healthy habits, self-discipline; my parents set great examples and instilled good values. I try only to change when the change is an improvement. I'm just like you! The only day the bed is not made immediately is when it's sheet washing day or I'm turning the mattresses, lol! Going to get an early night here too!


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