Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sweet Garden Magic.....

Just as a prism of glass miters light and casts a colored braid, a garden sings such sweet magic that the human heart strains to hear. 

Hiding in every flower, in every leaf, are reflections of God.  In such simple yet eloquent ways, I am reminded that God is personal and He reveals Himself continuously.

Savor little glimpses of God's goodness and His majesty!

May your day be filled with everlasting joy!

Shug ~


  1. Our part of the country just got some gentle spring rain and should be greening soon! So looking forward to it after our long and harsh winter! Love your photo!

  2. Beautiful post in every way.Thanks.

  3. I love this sweet, little post.
    Hope your weekend is going GOOD.:))

  4. This is beautiful, Shug!! Is that an azalea?

  5. They are roses. I went to a nursery near our home and I took the picture out there. They were beautiful and smelled so very sweet.

  6. always such a calming post,, beautiful posts,,


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