Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wear It With Pride and Simple Happiness...

"Put on your Easter Bonnet.....With all the Frills upon it"................

Are you an "Easter Bonnet" kind of gal?

Hats covered with all kinds of lace, ribbons, flowers, bird nest, and Frills!
These are the things that an Easter Bonnet is made of.


Long before my time....women adorned the tops of their head with Easter Bonnets....

During the Spring season, there is new life all around us.  Flowers are blooming and tiny buds are bringing forth new hopes of the wonder of living.

Same holds true for symbolizes a new beginning!

I am sure that women waited with great anticipation for the moment to pack away the old winter hats and to start fresh and anew by decorating their sometimes worn straw hats with items that brought them sunshine and joy....

Spring/Easter .........Yes, it was a time to show off your new Easter clothing and to wear your Bonnet with PRIDE and simple happiness.

I can remember how my MOM would always "starch" petticoats for my sister and me.  We sometimes would sit them down on the floor and when our little hands would let go, the big pile of lace would stand there all by itself.  This brought us a lot of laughter.

We were so proud because our dresses were like big fluffy "Princess dresses"
to make our outfits complete, we always had our little gloves and that "Big Ol' Easter Bonnet"

I loved those GOOD DAYS!

Shug Sez......

Never lose an opportunity of seeing something that is beautiful!


  1. What a memory of starched petticoats! I always had new Easter clothes, but hats only when I was very little.

  2. I don't remember wearing an Easter hat but I do remember those petticoats with little bells ringing from the inside. To finish it off, knee socks and white patent leather shoes.

  3. Hi Shug, I haven't worn an Easter hat in many a year. I remember when I was young and had an outfit all in lavender. Hat, dress and shoes! Even a bracelet. I don't think I've had many things in that color since! :D Hugs, Cheryl

  4. Oh,I so remember those fancy Easter outfits,with the white gloves and yes,the hats.Those were special days.

  5. Wow!! Well, first of all, I love the header with the flowers in the pretty hat box, I hope you have that displayed somewhere prominately in your house. The hats, all of them, just make such a geirgous, springtime post. Wish I would have thought of this!! I love all the pretty hats hanging up and your other really cute pictures. Hats off to you!!! Now you need to do a glove post!!

  6. HI Shug, I have never been a hat person --but my hubby loves hats... SO--for my son's wedding several years ago, I bought a big white Easter-looking hat to wear with my new dress.... George loved it --but I felt weird in it... I have never worn it since!!!!! ha

    Great pictures today... Everything looks so springy and Easter-ee....



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