Tuesday, April 5, 2011

31 Things You Might Not Know

Good Morning, good morning... {What exactly is that commercial, where this lady sings....Good Morning, Good Morning?}  I have those four words stuck in my head and I have no clue as to what the commercial is about or what the other words are that goes along with the song..

From my post yesterday, I learned that some of you did not know that I keep our youngest granddaughter every day, so I am doing a {31 things you don't know about me} post.  Hope you enjoy!

1.  I am married to my High School Sweetheart and his name is SAM.

2.  We have been married 38 years {39 years this coming June 16th}

3.  Sam is 58 and I am 49....oops I meant to say {57}

4.  We have two daughters....

5.  Our oldest daughter's name is Trista and she is married to Ty.....they have 3 children...Tyler 15, Tucker 12, and Tori 9.  Trista teaches 4th grade math and her husband is the Athletic Director here at our local school

6.  Our youngest daughter's name is Shanda and she is married to Tom....they have 3 children...Carson 9, Trey 8 and Mylee 3.  Shanda is a reading remedial teacher here at our local school and her husband is an electrical salesman.

7.  My husband is the President of his families Nursery business. This business is "Texas Pecan Nursery" and they grow all kinds of pecan, fruit and shade trees....and ship them all over the country.

8.  I am a housewife and have been for most of our married life... 

9.  I was the owner of a flower shop.  Love arranging flowers..

10.  My favorite colors are black and white.  And Red!

11.  I still cry because I miss my MOM....

12.  I wear a size 8 shoe.

13.  I take care of my 80 year old dad who has the beginning stages of Alzheimers.  I also take care of my disabled neice that lives with my dad...wow!

14.  I do not eat very much meat....but I love sweets!

15.  I am a member of the Assembly of God church.

16. I really want to ride in a Hot Air Balloon.

17.  I used to be very, very, very SHY.

18.  I am a Christian and I love the Lord.

19.  I love ice cold sweet tea!

20.  I find suspense movies annoying.

21.  I love to decorate and change things around...ALL THE TIME.

22.  My nose has been broken two times.

23.  When I am home by myself, I prefer total quietness.

24. I could spend hours in a book store...Love books.

25.  I love to shop!  Any Kind of shopping...ANYWHERE!

26. I love to bake...I love art...I love writing

27. My name is Anita...however, most people call me
Sugar or Shug. 

28.  I'm an Optimist.

29.  I am 5'4"  and we won't talk about weight.

30. I love blogging!

31. I am addicted to my pillow....It has been to Hawaii, florida, Mississippi, Mo, Colorado, just to name a few.....

Oh my goodness....so much more that I could tell you, but Ill save a bit of info. for a later date.

Shug Sez.....

Sing about the goodness of life!


  1. Your are very interesting and I love your glasses! Sounds like you have had a very nice life, and I too miss my mom.

  2. Don't forget that you like to go shopping the day after Thanksgiving with your daughters at 4 AM woohoo

  3. And some people just call you "Nita Lynn" - Great Post - Everyone needs to know about you!!!! I even learned a couple of things and yes TD I know she loves that early shopping, but what amazes me is how long ya'll last!

  4. Oh Shug! I LOVE learning more about you!! We are soooo alike :) Now, I see why you like my book blog :) I mean, I knew you like to read but seeing it this way I "get it" LOL

    You do so much for others and no doubt the Lord gives you the JOY that spills over onto us as we read your story :) You inspire and encourage no matter what you share! I love that about you!!!

    Have a blessed week and I am still inviting you over to my family blog if you ever want to come....

  5. I've got another one about you... you have a t-shirt to go with which ever grandkids team is playing for any particular day. Super supportive Shug!

  6. Oh, shug, I am so glad you did this. Especially since I am a rather new follower and don't know that much about you!! What shocked me is that we are so much alike in so many ways!!!! and I love the picture of your smiling face, I want to have coffee with you and chat. Phil and I have been married 41 years, but there is nine years difference between us, too!! I have not worked since I got married, I have been a stay at home mom and wife, and love it. and I lost my moim just a few years ago and still miss her very much. I am a shopaholic, and I love even the smell of bookstores, at one time I must have has a thousand!! And I love reading book reviews, too. Ever since I was a kid, I read the Washington Post Book Review section!! It was a sad day for me when they stopped publishing it a year or so ago. I have always wanted to ride in a hot air balloon, and have been to two of the festivals and posted them. I would go in a minute, but I am handicapped and would need a balloon that you don't have to srep way up over the basket. But I did but my son and DIL a ride and have the pics of it. I used to be so shy, I actually hid from people, I had Social Anxiety Disorder. I'm the totla opposite now. Once I got to be old, I didn't care anymore and I realized the world was not all about ME! Hey, I will have to do one of these on my blog!!

  7. Well,it was nice getting to know you better.My husband and I would have been married 39 years on June 9,close to your date.Thanks for sharing this info.

  8. Hoping my second attempt is the charm. I have so many computer problems when I try to post.

    I really enjoyed your list and could have written quite a few of them myself. I really agree about suspense movies!! The only thing worse than a regular suspense flick would be one staring Jim Carey and Angelina Jolie, my two most annoying actors. That would be the pits.

  9. Such a great list and can I just say that "Shug" is like the best name evah!!!! Looks like we have many things on your list in common, but I especially love the quiet in a house by myself...rarely happens though!

  10. Love reading all of these, Shug.. It does help me to know you better... I seldom see Assembly of God Churches---but in the town where I grew up in Virginia, there was a fairly large Assembly of God Church...

    Didn't know your name was Anita... That is neat!!!! I have a good childhood friend named Nita... AND---she owns a florist shop....

    How did your nose get broken ---TWICE???? Yipes!!!

    Thanks for doing this... I LOVED it.


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Something New

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