Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Happy Place....

"Happy Places"....We all have them.  Every one's Happy Place is different and usually consist of things that make us feel content and full of joy.

For some it is a place that lives in your mind and for others (like me) it is a real place that you can go to everyday...

My "Happy Place" is our HOME.  I can laugh, smile, have fun, and experience wonderful feelings of excitement....

A lot of times, I see things that make me happy in other places, so why not re-create these things for "MY HAPPY PLACE."

Here are a few things I want to add in our home for this Easter Season..

Easter Baking for the kids!

How cute is this little fellow...Wouldn't the kids love

I think these are adorable...They certainly make me Happy!

This Easter Bunny Cake is a MUST...I have several pictures from past years,  where the kids are all gathered around the "Bunny"Cake...
My....How they change from year to year.

How Sweet are these?  I'm not sure about the boys, but I know that Tori and Mylee are going to love them!  Don't they look so simple?

Definitely a favorite thing to do around here...Dying EGGGGGGS!

Way too pretty to eat....These may just have to be for looks!  What ya think?

Now...this makes me happy..
Clay pots make my heart sing!
Mix and Match, makes for instant

And this my friends....MAKES MY HEART SING!  Should not be that difficult to put together...I can see great possibilities here!

How precious for any table...Bunny Rabbit Napkin!  I'm figuring this would bring smiles to a lot of faces...

And this may very well be one of my favorites....
Good for keeping my hands out of the Jelly Bean Jar!!

Coffee Talk....dessert..

What makes our home GREAT???
My Happy Place!

Shug Sez.......

What is your Happy Place???


  1. Can I join you for Easter? :) All these pretty things are adorable and would bring a smile to any face.Have fun recreating them.

  2. I'll be over for Easter - Looks so cute!!

  3. Oh how beautiful! makes me think Spring, despite what it looks like outside my window! Thanks!

  4. They are a delight and definitely bring a happy smile on my face :)

  5. Beautiful Easter touches...I think my favorite is the jelly bean jar with tulips. Have a great day!

  6. I LOVE all of these, and It's hard to choose a favorite!! But I did save some of these pictures to do myself!!! I think my fave is the adorable hat cookies!! And I want to make the jellybean vase with the jonquils. Wonder where we could get that dome and base for the eggs? Today, my happy place is here, of course, on your blog, Shug!!

  7. So many precious anything cupcake, but I absolutely must make that bunny cake in the collage! Love the grass cupcakes tho, too. hmmm

  8. Your "Happy Place" makes me happy, Shug.... You are really 'into' Easter --and I love it.....

    My Happy Place is my home/yard/birds... The best thing for me is to sit in my recliner just watching my sweet little birds on the deck... SO special...

  9. Thanks for making my happy place even happier with all these fun and creative suggestions! I absolutely love the hat cookies - so creative. Bet they can be made even with store bought cookies - digestive with a vanilla wafer or vanilla oreo as the top and then lots of wonderful icing! They are so fun!!! Love the daffies in the jelly beans too - I'm sure the large vase must have a smaller one inside with water for the flowers, so that the jelly beans remain edible! How creative some folks are!!

  10. So many cute ideas; love the little hat cookies, just adorable, a feast for the eyes. Shug, thanks for visiting and the sweet comments! The chocolate bunnies are resin, they do look real, don't they. I'm fighting a sinus infection now but will post more soon. My happy place...visiting friends like you!

  11. I choose the Easter Bonnets. I may make them for my sister's [70th!] birthday party next week. So charming.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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