Sunday, April 3, 2011

Scatter Love...Scatter Kindness

Today is a NEW day.....

The seeds we choose to sow can become a Blessing for others!, Let us.......

Sing for joy...
Smile at strangers.....
Lend a Helping hand.....
Show Kindness....
Count our own Blessings....
Laugh with someone...
Pray For Someone....
Hug someone....
Be Happy.....
Let our Positive Light Shine...
See the goodness in people....

Love some more....

Shug Sez....

You can Never Be Too Happy!


  1. This post is like a shot in the arm,just what I needed.For starters,I'm sending a hug your way,just because you are special and I'm so glad I have found your blog and you.

  2. What an inspirational post! Such beautiful thoughts! Have a great Lord's day Shug!

  3. I really like your blue and yellow header. Yes, right now we need to be planting spiritual seeds and real seeds!! We are doing the yearly small wildflower bed beside our kitchen door.

  4. You always have such wonderful, uplifting posts, Shug! Blessings to you and have a wonderful week. Hugs, Cheryl


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