Saturday, April 2, 2011

Simple Saturday.....My Bluebonnet

I've Been Waiting and Waiting for Bluebonnet season....and it's here!!

Finally....I have a bloom!!

One single bloom!

Thank you Lord........

Shug Sez......

Have a simple Saturday....Enjoy life!


  1. Oh Shug, You just made my entire month! I love the bluebonnets and rarely get to see them as gorgeous a display, as they do in Texas. Thank you so much for showing me the first bloom. Thank you God. Sometimes, cyberspace is awesome.

  2. Just beautiful! I thought they were called Monk's Hood! I understand that Texas has fields and fields of them - such a gorgeous blue! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Gorgeous.I love the frame you put on this.Is this done in Photoshop?The picture within a picture is beautiful.

  4. Beautiful! Spring is peeking through.

  5. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I'm crying now and I have chill bumps! i can't wait to show Phil!!! don't bluebonnets only grow in Texas? You see, one of our very favorite songs is Gulf Coast highway, by Nanci Griffith. It is about bluebonnets. just georgous. You must google it and listen, it will break your heart. and I can't resist, here are a few of the words. Enjoy:
    Gulf coast highway, he worked the rails.
    He worked the rice fields with their cold dark wells.
    He worked the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico
    The only thing we've owned is this old house here by the road.
    And when he dies he says he'll catch some blackbird's wing.
    And we will fly away to heaven
    Come some sweet blue bonnet spring.

  6. In years past we've arranged a visit back to Texas to see the folks and the bluebonnets. Love em! They are part of the Texas lore! I'll miss them this year, but there's still next year!


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