Monday, April 4, 2011

A Cupcake Kind of Day....

This past Friday was a CUPCAKE kind of day around here......

But hey.....everyday around Shug's place is a cupcake day!

I have the sweetest little "Cupcake" that spends about 8 hours a day, running around....stepping on my feet, announcing "Shug...I hungy" {NO..hungy isn't misspelled} and giving me kisses several times during any given day!

Excitement?....Before I could get all the ingredients gathered for baking the cupcakes, she had that little black stool pulled all the way up to kitchen bar,  and was ready to stir.

OK ~~~~  So Mylee got a little carried away with the mixing...

We had cupcake mixture everywhere!  On the counter, on the floor, on the mat, on her hands and even on her lips.....

Some pretty cute cupcakes!

Who doesn't love jelly beans and cupcakes?

Add a cup of hot green tea for us "Sweet" loving adults! 

I do love a cup of hot green tea......And's good for you.

Do you remember as a child..... licking the spoons and licking the bowl when your mom finished mixing the the batter? 

With 4 kids running around our house, the fight was on when it was time to help MOM
with the baking!

Well......Lucky for Mylee....she is the only one that
isn't in school and she is the only one that is home
with Shug all day!!!!

Shug Sez.....

Wherever you are.....SHINE!


  1. That's a fun day - spending time with a little grandangel! She's so sweet! Those cupcakes look fantastic. Love that bowl of jellybeans - at your place - if I had them standing around I'd be eating them, lol! My favorite - that cup of green tea!

    My mom would never allow us to eat/lick dough. She strongly maintained that 'raw' flour was not good for our digestive system. I kept to the same rules with our kids, but my grands love nothing better than cookie dough. Amazingly enough they seem to be doing fine, lol!

  2. Hi Shug, I didn't know that you kept a grandchild all day... Wow---I love my grands, but luckily, didn't have to keep them all day.

    Loved your Texas Bluebonnet picture. When I lived near Houston, we would go to the Brenham and Chapel Hill and see the Bluebonnets every single year. LOVED them.

    Back from vacation --trying to catch up a little!!!!

  3. What wonderful pictures, Shug!!! And guess what?? Tonight I will be posting cupcakes and my granddaughter, as well!!! You are giving her beautiful and loving memories that she will never forget. And giving us a beautiful blog post!! I didn't know you keep a granddaughter? Do you keep the others when there is no school? She is BEAUTIFUL!!! Such georgous eyes!!!

  4. This sounds like a typical day with my precious Kai.Tasting the batter is,for her,the best part of baking.

  5. That is how I spent my Friday as well, baking cupcakes!!

  6. You are fortunate Shug. I have a GrandLove with me 3 overnights a week and we do lots of baking together. I remember wanting to learn to bake with Mom so my siblings, 8 of them, would have to stand in line for the big spoon. LOL thanks for the memories. Love that cupcake stand and I do love the spice jellybeans...and the bluebonnets, of course.

  7. What a precious post. Little ones are the best!!!!!! Sweet cupcakes also.

    Blessings and thank you for leaving such sweet comments. I so appreciate you.

    Hugs, Linda


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