Saturday, January 29, 2011

Nothing To Complain About

A good wonderful morning to all my friends...Happy to see you today.

I have had something on my mind all week, and I just want to take a moment to share it with you.....I want you all to know how Blessed we are.  I'm not just talking about ME and MY FAMILY, I am talking about all of us who have healthy children and grandchildren.....

I had some time to help Trista and Ty out this past week, by taking Tucker back and forth to Physical Therapy.  He has to be at therapy two days a week and it is usually right after he gets out of school....Needless to say, the timing does not always work out for his parents.

When I took him on Thursday, I went in and sat down in the waiting room while Tucker was having his treatment.  As I looked around me, my heart began to have an overwhelming feeling of grief.  I saw children of all ages with physical issues.  A couple of these kids were strapped in their special needs wheel chair and they could barely move their little arms....
Other children had problems walking and some were struggling just to sit down...

There was one little boy that had the biggest brown eyes with lashes that curled way up to just below his eye brows.  When he saw me looking at him, he had the biggest smile and kinda ducked his head behind his mother's arm.  I think the main thing that I noticed is that none....Not one single child.....was complaining.   Even though they struggle with many physical ailments, the look on their faces showed nothing but happiness.  This could only be through the hands of God.  I know that God must wrap them in His arms every minute of the day.  These children have a place to rest when they are weak and tired. 
God understands every thing that they go through.  He blankets them with such an amazing love, and I know that His warm whispers assure them each day that He will see them through. 

I had a paper cut on my finger this past week and I was so frustrated because every time I went to pick something up, that cut seemed to get in the way.  It hurt like crazy! know what? I have nothing to complain about.  I need to be ashamed for all the whining that I have done over a simple cut.

Life is not easy for these kids, but yet they make the most out of their daily struggles.  I thank God that my eyes were opened this week and that I took the opportunity to allow God to speak to my heart......

Yes.....My dear friends......WE ARE BLESSED!

Shug Sez......

Take the time to look around you and be compassionate to those who really do have struggles in life......


  1. How true it is....complaining about all the "us" things we need and WANT and always forgetting the pain & suffering a lot of people are going through. Praying for you tomorrow & the rest of the week, and especially praying for Sam. Do you have to stay overnight?

  2. As you know--I work with chidren with special needs daily. It is amazing how well THEY deal with their issues but others can't.
    Some just don' have the experience and some just DON'T have any tolerance.

    We are all blessed and that is GOOD!


  3. O, Shug...I don't just thank God for my blessings at night, after I go to bed. I do it then, but also all day long.
    I pray for my family constantly and I thank HIM for my blessings and theirs constantly.
    Thanks for your wonderful post. I just came from a candlelight service at husband was working a Walk to Emmaus and son and I went over to support him. I always come home feeling so good that all these people got to go on their walk with Jesus for 3 solid days.

    Oh, and we are WAAAY past Little granddaughter is on the varsity in high school and the twins, 13, are playing, too. We stay busy going to games and....I LOVE IT. :))


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Being a Caretaker.

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