Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Really God, What are your trying to Tell Me?

For the next few days you can expect to see a more serious side of me.....While Sam and I were gone this past week, one particular word kept rolling around in my mind.  I have posted about this word before, but I feel that there is more that I need to share.

I am going to dedicate the next few post to a little guy that is a true HERO.....

Tucker  Thomison......Our precious Grandson!

The word that I could not seem to get free from my mind last week was


As most of you know, Tucker was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia about three and a half years ago.  It is in remission and we have another year and a half to go before he can be considered cured...

I remember when Tucker was first diagnosed with his leukemia.  There were so many things happening and each day was filled with all kinds of different emotions.  These emotions seemed to keep our minds twirling like a big whirl wind each time the doctors would give us any kind of news.  Some of the news was encouraging, but a whole lot of it had the great capacity to bring us down.  We were tired, mentally exhausted, confused and most definitely out of our daily routines.  You know what this can do for your attitude.  It is very hard to keep an upbeat attitude when you have a very sick grandchild that is being stuck with needles every couple of hours.

I remember one day just a couple of weeks after his diagnosis, and I guess I was having a really tough day.  Tucker was in bed here at our house while his parents took care of some business.  He was absolutely in the worse pain that I have ever seen someone be in and I knew that we had to get him some help.  I was able to get in touch with Ty and Trista and they came home to find that Tucker could not even move.  They rushed him back to Children's Hospital where he was admitted again. 

Later that afternoon, I went to my room and I started to cry almost uncontrollably.  I think that I had held back the agony in my heart as long as I could.  I wanted to be super strong for Trista and her family and so I tried to bottle up my hurt in order to help them.  I knew at this point that I needed to (TRY) to pray, and I say try because at that point it was as if nothing would come out of my mouth.  I simply could not pray. 

My thoughts were to just lay there and let God do what He wanted to do in me.  I desperately needed Him to renew my strength.  As I lay on my bed, I felt a warm sensation rush all through me, and just as quickly as my tears began to fall, they stopped.  I felt a sense of tranquility fill my heart and I knew at that moment that God was doing something for me. 

There were these words that kept going over and over in my mind and I could not keep myself from repeating them.  God was giving me these words in order that I could use them in the days ahead.  "Change of attitude brings Healing"

Of course, my first thought was " Attitude, how can attitude bring a healing to Tucker?"
"Really God, what are you trying to tell me"

To Be Continued...........


Let your heart be thinking about that word ATTITUDE....What does it mean?

1 comment:

  1. Bless you and your family. Tucker is a cutie!
    Prayers being sent also!

    Love ya!



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