Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Birthday Gift.

Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day.......My heart is singing Praises to God for the special little girl that He gave life to on June 15th, 1933.    My mom:  Patsy Jo Moffeit Kidd.....

Today is her birthday and just because she is no longer with us, does not mean that I can not celebrate something that was wonderful in my own life.  She would have been 77 years young today. 

I remember how I always wanted to make her birthday the most special of all.  I would search for months, looking for the perfect gift for this perfect mom in my life.  No matter what gift we gave her, she was always so very grateful and full of joy because we made her feel very special.  (and she was)

As I walk through the journey of my own life, I now see that I was really the one receiving all the gifts.  The gift of her love and her friendship.  The gift of her honesty and her desire to help me to be the best that I could be.  She gave me a gift in teaching me right from wrong and instilling in me the values of life.  I always felt her guiding me, directing me and filling my heart with hope for a great future. 

She knew what was good for me and she showed me in her own special ways.  My mother taught me the importance of being a good wife, and she taught me how to be a good mother to my children. 

My mother was the GREATEST!  She had a beautiful, radiant glow that followed her every where she went.  Her laughter always brought joy to all of those that knew her.  She had the warmest hugs and the sweetest little hand gestures.  These are things that my girls miss about her today. 

Shanda loved holding her hands and she loved smelling the lotion that mother used.  Trista always loved the way she cooked and how mother always made her feel so special.   She was a wonderful grandmother and both of my girls knew how much she loved them.   I am thankful that Trista and Shanda had the opportunity to feel her love and to experience what she had to give.   They are now able to see how blessed I am because of all my mom gave to me.      



We thought of you with love today.

But that is nothing new.
We thought about you yesterday.
And days before that too.
We think of you in silence.
We often speak your name.
Now all we have is memories.
And your picture in a frame.
Your memory is our keepsake.
With which we'll never part.
God has you in his keeping.
We have you in our heart..


  1. My Mom is not with me either and I miss her each day. It's good to remember the good time and those special days. Our Mom's helped make us who we are today!
    Enjoy the day.


  2. Oh wow, this one was a tough one for me. Such a wonderful day. Thanks for the beautiful words. The best part is that you are just like her.


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