Monday, June 14, 2010

One funny guy

I simply have way too much to blog about this week, but I must start with this one.  So many times, I have commented on how Vivacious our lives are.  I'm talking about our entire family!  Well, we have encountered another one of those truly upbeat, funny weekends.

Take our OLDEST son-in-law, Tom.  From time to time he does these crazy things.  We are always kidding him about having some "Yankee" ways.  I can say that, because his family is from Illinois.  (For all my readers from up North, this is not a critical statement, it's just one that we use here in the South because our ways are so different)  Let me tell you though, TOM IS A GREAT GUY!  

Now for the Story.........

This past weekend we all went to Flower Mound for Carson's baseball tournament.  His team had two games to play on Sat. and then on Sunday, you play until you lose.  The distance from home to Flower Mound is about 140 miles and since his last game did not start until 7:30, it was best to get a hotel and stay up there.

Tom had made their reservations in advance at the "Hilton Garden Inn" but when they got there, all that was left were rooms with king beds.  This was not going to work because it was Tom, Shanda and the three kids that were going to be staying in this one room.  Now you have to understand that Tom is a salesman and a VERY GOOD one at that.  
He quickly let them know how unhappy he was and that if he had to take that room, then he was not going to pay full price.
Especially since (they) did not honor his reservation.

I have no idea what he said or did, but he comes out with getting not only one room FREE, but he got a second one free as well.  They now have 2 rooms with king size beds and they are both FREE....The only problem is that the doors do not connect between them.  The rooms ARE next to each other, which was a very good thing....BECAUSE...

The reason why that was a good thing is ..........
The family all wanted to stay together, so TOM has this bright idea.  He told Shanda on the elevator to come on, he had a plan.  I promise you that he had been thinking very hard about this. 
They  unload all their stuff in one room, and then he goes over to the next room, (Shanda holding one door open for him) and he takes the mattress off of the king size bed in the other room and drags it, slides it,  into the room that they are going to be staying in. 

I can see it now....He said he opened the door and peeked out, and when he knew the coast was clear, he brought the mattress in.  ( I guess he forgot that they have video camera's scanning the hall-ways)  Now isn't it a good thing that those two rooms were right next to each other. 

Needless to say, they all slept very comfortably in one room...
Who else gets to do things like this?  That's exactly what I thought you would say.  Two free rooms, two bathrooms, two nice TVs, and two very comfortable beds.  Something tells me that Tom is just the kind of sales guy that I would want working for me!!

Never a dull moment around here....and by the way, he sent me a picture of their bed last night and I really wish that I had it to post for you.  Seems that the air conditioner on Tom and Shanda's end of the house was not working last night.  So....what do you think Tom did?  He took their king size mattress off of their bed and took it to the living room.  Of course, he has had a lot of practice in moving those mattresses, so this was a piece of cake for him....

One thing for sure is that he gave us all a good laugh.  He is one funny guy, but we sure do love him!  Thanks Tom for adding character to this family....Oh and by the way...He did move the mattress back to it's original room.


Go ahead, make someone laugh today.....
God loves you!

1 comment:

  1. Way too funny. He sounds like the type of guy
    who no one gets in his way!


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