Are you a barefoot person? I definitely am!
I suppose this comes from my growing up years. Rarely did I wear shoes during the Summer. You could always find me barefoot with probably the filthiest feet around.
I was reading Sandra's (Madsapper) post yesterday and she was talking about the moccasin slippers that she and Bob wear. This made me think of my years of running around being barefoot all the time.
Her post also reminded me of Sam's great grandmother...who was 100 year's old at the time.
I went with my MIL to visit her one day, and when we drove up, She was outside.... ...BAREFOOT..... finding and picking up Pecans. She couldn't bend over and pick up the pecans, so.... she found her own unique way of filling her apron pockets with using her feet and a pecan picker upper
I know she felt not only the blades of grass pressing against her tender feet, but every rough shell, some with nuts and some with broken sharp husk.
The feet of this beautiful 100 year old Centenarian lady had already carried the weight of a lifetime, and here she was, still walking outside, barefoot, picking up pecans.
Can you imagine all the steps that these 100 year old feet had made? They most likely walked through many working fields. They may have danced through the woods in her childhood days, stood firm in times of hardship, and paced the floors a countless number of times in prayer for her family.
These are the things that the elderly enjoy, and I don't think it is just for the pecans themselves. For her, I know it was about the feel of the earth....and re-capturing moments of the past.
As for me and my barefoot days.....
I have grown up a little... Now days, I am barefoot in the house, but I mostly wear FLIP FLOPS outside.
Thanks Sandra for taking me back to a couple of memories from the past.
Hope you all enjoy each step you take today. Wishing you an abundance of love and good health.
This was just so beautiful, Shug. I loved every bit of, your words about great grandmother picking pecans, all the steps her 100 year old feet made in her lifetime, and your appreciation for the elderly. Oh, and I am a barefoot gal too.......and I love Moccasins. They have wee ones for small children now, they are adorable. ; )
Yes, I am a barefoot person! I also grew up that way. Reading this post today brought back such sweet memories of my paternal grandmother. She lived to be just four months shy of 100 and she worked in her huge flower garden up until she was in her early 90s. She wore shoes outside, but inside she was in her bare feet too.
ReplyDeleteI love your thoughts of your 100 year old grandmas feet. Oh the places they took her and what she did on those feet.
ReplyDeleteI'm a barefoot person all summer, at least in the house. In the winter, my feet are freezing, so it's cozy socks and slippers then.
my barefeet have felt the ground since I could walk and not quite 100 but 80 ain't far from it. I do find mine are more tinder since all our grass went away. I love sand, all kinds of sand and sandy beaches.. daddy used to have to pick thorns out of my feet and I would howl and he would say, then wear your shoes. I loved stomping through mud puddles, we lived on dirt road all of my childhood years. in Savannah there are ring worms that you get wading in puddles. then the doctor has to freeze them Ow, but I did not wear shoes
ReplyDeleteI hardly ever wore shoes while growing up. Running through the woods like it was cotton. Now days, I can't walk anywhere without shoes. Neuropathy and other foot issues are no joke and walking barefoot is something to be avoided at all cost! Even a tiny grain of sand will send me over the edge! Not fun and I sure miss those days of "foot freedom"!
ReplyDeleteGrace & Peace,
Shug, whenever I see flip flops in the store, I always think of you!! Sam's grandmother was an amazing woman!! What a story!
ReplyDeleteYes barefoot mostly inside now. I do have a pair of house crocs that Sadie steals:) When I was growing up we never wore shoes in the summer except for Church on Sunday...we got new shoes when school started.
ReplyDeleteWell, I guess I am the oddball - I do wear slip on tennis shoes. I just don't feel comfortable in bare feet and my feet are really sensitive.
ReplyDeleteBut what I thought a lot about was Sam's grandmother and her feet and all what she did with her life. What a sweet tribute to her. She sounds like a wonderful woman!
What a Lady you've profiled! No doubt, under one's weathered bodies there still exists lithe, happy young ladies who dance in their dreams. Thank you for prompting me to imagine. In the future I'll be looking a little closer.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite foot attire is nuthin'!
I went barefoot as a child and teen. I would walk 2 miles to the beach on hot pavement barefooted, ditching my sandals in a hedge along the way. Back then they had signs keeping us teens out of the stores if we were barefoot. But we walked all over - my feet were black from greasy parking lots. One time I walked on wet tar. That was hard to get off my feet and ever since then, the soles of my feet have bothered me. They’re so dry. So my “barefootin” days are over!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post on your great grandmother. Touching and I never thought of an elderly persons bare feet.
Standing on grass barefooted is healthy - has anti- inflammatory advantages. It has to do with negative charges helps dissipate the body's positive charge, reducing chronic inflammation and pain relief. So maybe Grandma knew this! 🥰
I love this sweet story. It brought back many good memories for me. Oh, my sister, brother, and I would start in March begging to take our shoes off and go barefooted. We worried mama until she said, go ahead, and if you catch pneumonia don't come crying to me. :) I still love walking barefoot in the summer but wear socks in the house during the cold months.
ReplyDeleteI used to go barefoot all the time. Now, thanks to plantar fasciitis I have to wear something with good arch support :-(
ReplyDeleteWow! What a sweet story! ❤️
ReplyDeleteI was always barefooted as a child. I remember getting stickers in my feet and stepping on "stinging nettle" and it burning so bad! I remember walking barefoot to the corner store to buy candy. My poor feet! Now I'm rarely barefooted. Even in the house I wear some thin slippers. I do love to walk outside in the "carpet grass" as we call in. It feels so good :)
ReplyDeleteWhen I was younger I was always barefoot unless shoes were required. A few years ago I started developing plantar fasciitis and it was recommended that I never go barefoot as that would only make it worse. So now I'm always wearing somethinng.
ReplyDeleteI am for sure a barefoot person. Outside and in. It's delightful. What I'm not for though, is wearing slippers at the market or any store. I also don't want to be barefoot at the store either. But home and outside here, I'm all for it.