Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Seasons and Purpose

Life, much like nature, moves in seasons.  As we all know, some seasons are filled with warmth and growth, while others bring stillness and waiting.  Just as we trust that Spring 🌷 will follow Winter ⛄ and that the sun will rise after the darkest night, it is important to trust God's timing in our todays and our tomorrows.   

No matter what season of life we may be in today, we can trust that it has a purpose.  

God's plan is always greater than what we can see, and His timing is always right.  This past month or so, has been a struggle for me but I know that I must keep the Faith, embrace this season of life and look forward to the days that are ahead. 

Whether you are in a season of waiting, a season of change or a season of sorrow, we must see that God is working behind the scenes.  He is guiding us and He is teaching us to lean on Him.  


"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven."

Ecclesiastes 3:1


          This made me laugh............

Our "Fake Spring" was wonderful yesterday and the good news is, we are supposed to be in the low 80's all week.   Then....here it comes!

Sunday we will be back in the 50's.  The poor fruit trees don't even know if they should bud out or continue in their dormant stage.  

Happy Tuesday Friends...



  1. the seasons for the past 2 years have been like a ping pong ball.. I love the book of Ecclesiastes. lots of good verses in there and also in proverbs. my favorite book is the last 40 chapters of Isaiah..

  2. I've always liked that verse and I like what you had to say about the seasons of our lives. Enjoy that sunshine!

  3. "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven."- one of my favorites. Thanks for the inspirational post. 80's down to 50's? What a span of weather. What area do you live?

  4. We are enjoying a rather warm spell here, too, this week. Let's enjoy each and every season of life, even the hard and difficult times, as we trust in our Lord. That IS one funny meme! Blessings, Shug!

  5. Oh my you are warm and then cold...but then 50's seems warm to me! Not sure what season I am in...a tired one I guess...so I shall nap!

  6. We're having a warm spell here too, then shortly spring will come, with all it's crazy weather.

  7. That is so true. I frequently have to apologize for breaking down instead of having complete faith in His plan.
    It was warm here yesterday but today is only in the 20's and were supposed to have an ice storm tomorrow.

  8. I thought it was too early for spring! Frankly I don't mind winter here - but I hate it if it hurts the trees.
    You know trusting is hard - it is something I work on a lot. It is hard not knowing. But I keep thinking of the wind - we don't see it - but we see it working. The air we breathe we trust will be there. Why is it easier to trust these things then the Lord?

  9. I think the weather is in the" Fickle Season". I guess it does keep us closer to the Lord though. Love these verses and I just keep holding on.

  10. You are so right, Shug! And the bible also says that God's ways are not ours, and we will never understand them. I believe this for sure. I think if we knew some of God's plans, we may still never understand them because our minds are so limited. Oh gosh, I hope Sam's trees will be alright!

  11. We set a record for temperature yesterday...it was in the 70s. Today is closer to 40.

  12. I'm in a study group doing the book of Job. A great teacher of patience and trusting God no matter what. We are also in spring-like temperatures, reaching 78 today. Next week we are to be back in the 30's and 40's. Have a great week. Take care.

  13. We recently concluded what's probably my favorite (Bible) study by Louie Giglio -- 'Waiting Here for You.' Though it's intended to coincide with Advent, I think the message could be applied to any 'season' in our lives. Love Ecclesiastes!

  14. Shug, I love this reminder about the seasons of life. I'm definitely in a season of change and waiting. It's not easy, but it's a daily choice to trust and believe in God's goodness and timing.

  15. I am so glad we have our little spaces to write and express our feelings and thoughts. Your written words flow like silk, Shug, and I love reading them every time. Yes, God's timing is perfect, and He knows what's buried deep in our hearts. Enjoy your 80's weather while it lasts. We will have rain all week!


  16. Thanks for these encouraging words, sometimes it's hard to wait on the Lord, especially when He is quiet, but faith helps.


  17. hahahaha on the pup and the groundhog. As for spring, I LOVE IT. To me, spring is when the New Year is. Fresh start. Delightful.


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