Friday, January 3, 2025

Red Birds

Happy Friday Morning dear Friends...

I wanted share with you these two beautiful gifts that I received from a very dear friend.  Mary Alice and I graduated High School together, but more than that, she and Sam grew up together.......
They were neighbors and their childhood days go WAY back!  She is such a giving lady.  

           Beautiful Redbirds.....

Redbirds have always held a special place in my heart.  A few years ago, we were Blessed to have a pair....a bright male and his mate....nesting right on our back porch.  We had enclosed part of the porch to protect Sam's lemon tree from the cold, and to our surprise, the birds chose that cozy, warm spot to build their nest in the top of the tree.  

All throughout the Winter, I enjoyed watching them fly in and out of the area.  I actually named the male bird, Buster.  My dad's middle name was Buster.   

What a beautiful gift of nature they were that Winter.  

We have a pomegranate tree on the side of our house, where I see so many of the gorgeous RED male birds almost every day.  

 These two gifts hold a special place in my heart, especially with the loss of my brother.  These gifts bring me comfort and they keep Joe's memory close, reminding me of his loving spirit.   I plan on leaving them out all year long so I can be reminded that even in loss, the beauty of cherished memories always remain.

Enjoy your  Friday and I hope you see some redbirds today.  




  1. I simply love seeing cardinals in our yard, Shug. They always give me that sense of hope and joy. We all can use more of that! Blessings!

    1. you are absolutely right Martha. There is such abundant peace in watching them .

  2. I have not seen any of these beautiful red birds in my area. I remember years ago when I was a nanny, walking to the Stanford grounds in Palo Alto and there were so many cardinals in this one area I would sit. They are so sweet.

    I think your red bird gifts are really nice and you have good reason to keep them out all year! I wish you God’s comfort today and every day as you mourn.

    1. Thank you Debby for your sweet words. the bright red of the cardinals is so uplifting. hope you are having a wonderful day

  3. Your friend knew exactly what you needed! The globe is gorgeous, and I see it even has a birch bark base!!

    1. hey Ginny.. yes, that is birch bark.. adds to the beauty of the globe doesn’t it?

  4. What a dear sweet friend. She knows what you like and what is important to you. We get a lot of cardinals here - love their red with their black masks.

    1. we really have quite a few, but I also put out sunflower seeds for them. I think they are beautiful as well as the many blue birds we have .

  5. Friends like that are priceless. I have a childhood friend like that, over 75 years of friendship. I love your red birds. What a lovely story of getting to have them on your porch and watch them. We had two doves nest on our windowseal and enjoyed seeing them make the nest, lay the eggs and see those little ones hatch and finally fly away!!
    I think of you often and the loss of you dear brother. My sister lost her husband just before Thanksgiving. He was 92, but the loss is the same. I will continue to hold you in my prayers. Hugs

    1. thank you Wanda for your prayers. I have felt them as only prayers of comfort is so needed. I am sorry for the loss of your brother-in-law.. losing a loved one is so difficult but thankfully, we can find peace through our Lord. hope you have had a Blessed day

  6. Shug, it is a dream of mine to see the red cardinal someday, as I don't see them here in California. This snow globe with the red cardinals is so special that your friend gave you, and even more special that it will be a reminder of your dear brother and all the joy he gave you in life. It really is a special gift. I'm glad you will be keeping this out all year long. What a sweet story of the cardinals nesting right on your back porch. Buster is a good name for the male bird. And to see the red cardinals every day near your pomegranate tree is a sight! I don't get to see those lovely red birds, but I did see four deer on the side of the road when I went to the store this morning. Such a wonderful post today, Shug.


    1. hey Sheri..this really was the perfect gift and my friend is so very thoughtful like that. I love seeing the deer as well.. nature is just beautiful..

  7. What a thoughtful gift! Because my late mother so loved the red birds I, in turn, always watch for them ... and yes, speak to them, too.
    I hope you're enjoying a glorious day!

    1. we certainly have had a beautiful day.. I saw a redbird this morning and it seemed to hang around for a good bit.

  8. What lovely gifts! We are too cold for Cardinals up here...I see Sparrows and Crows thats about it in this part of Minnesota.

    1. I’ll just have to take pictures of them in my pomegranate bush and share with you. they are truly beautiful

  9. Beautiful. There is another blogger, Sparky (Red Bird Acres) who also collects Red Birds. Nice to see you post, my friend.

    1. Thank you. my neighbor has So many redbird figurines in her house. she started collecting them after her passed away. they seem to really help her smile

  10. Such beautiful gifts. I've always heard that seeing a cardinal meant it was a visitor from heaven. After my husband passed away there was one day that I looked out in the front yard and saw three male cardinals and one female. I figured it was my dad, my brother, my husband and my mother all coming to check on me.

    1. this is what I’ve always heard as well. it is so sweet to have these thoughts whether it is true or not.

  11. I'm so glad you have your friend and that she brought you some comfort, comfort that will last throughout the year. Bless her and you.

  12. That's a nice gift, very pretty and thoughtful. Cardinal are pretty birds, I don't see any in these parts...for the most part it's just crummy sparrows and pigeons, plus some noisy crows.

  13. What a special gift. I love walking outside or looking through the window and seeing a red bird. They are really special to me. So many times, when I'm outside walking and praying about something specific, I will all of a sudden see a red bird. This has happened so many times that I began to feel like it was God saying "I see you." So every time I see one, I feel God is saying that to me :) I think many people have experienced similar stories with red birds. I just love that :)

  14. we had three hurricanes this year and have not seen a red bird since the first one. I missed there loud mouths. the mail is the loud one, also miss there pretty red sitting and flitting here and there. so far we have seen one buzzard and one blue jay and several doves. these are both lovely gifts and agree they should be out all year


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