Saturday, January 4, 2025

Early Sat Morning

Good early Saturday Morning.   Sam and I are in Dallas, sitting in the hotel restaurant having a nice breakfast.  

The temperature outside is 52 degrees. This temperature actually feels good .  

We drove up yesterday for Mylee’s Basketball game at the American Airline Center!  This is where the Dallas Mavericks play.  

What an exciting day it was,  and the girls won big time.  

Driving in the big city is not easy and Sam and I MAY have gotten turned around a few times.  

Today..  We will attend another game in the Dallas area and then we will visit our granddaughter, Tori.  She moved to a new place and we are excited to see she and Connor’s new home.  

Big City life is not where I would want to live.  

We will be here all day today and drive home later this afternoon.  

Cold weather is supposed to be here on Monday… ❄️❄️. We shall see!!  

This is the day that the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.  


***. just a quick note.  I’m having to use my 👀Phone and for some reason, I am unable to read or comment on some of your blogs.  I’ll catch you when I get back home ! 


  1. I'm so glad you are having a nice time with these fun things!! Yes, going to a big city is tons of fun, but I would never ever want to live in one! The best thing is to live in a small town close to a big city!

    1. oh yes Ginny. I totally agree.. everyone is in a big hurry up herr

  2. How much fun is it to go away for the day like that - with your hubby. Hope your teams won.
    I don't like the big city either. We are getting cold weather Tuesday.
    Have fun!

    1. it has been a nice get-away. I’m not a big city girl for sure. looks like we could have some cold weather as well

  3. Happy that you got to see Mylee's team play and win, Shug. Have fun!

  4. Congratulations to Mylee and her teammates! Is that (arena) what used to be called "Reunion Arena"? Dallas used to be my favorite weekend destination, but I'm afraid it's outgrown my abilities. Have fun!

    1. I think you are right that it was once called reunion arena. it is so big and expensive too. 45.00 just to park !

  5. I always use the direction app on my phone when I'm in an unfamiliar area.

  6. Its great that you can attend your granddaughter's games. Those are special memory makers. I have to agree that big cities are not my favorite place to try to navigate. Many years ago we were working a trade show in Dallas..Oy.. getting around was really difficult and we too made some "unplanned" turns. This was before cell phone GPS..we did survive though.
    Safe drive back home.

  7. I find some big cities are electric! Of course my city, San Francisco always excites me and I do enjoy NYC. There are times I wish my parents never sold our place in San Francisco! I’d love to own it and rent it out as a Airbnb.
    It sounds like a wonderful time you are having. Have a safe trip back!

  8. Congratulations to Mylee and her team! I'm glad you could go and also see your other granddaughter. I have to admit, I do not like big cities and am happy to live far from one. 😊

  9. We don't mind driving in Fort Worth too much, but we avoid Dallas as much as possible!

  10. Oh, what fun, Shug! I am not a city girl, well, I was raised in a city...then as kids we moved down here to Ocala. Ocala is definitely a city now-we live 5 miles out of town/city whatever you call it, lol...anyways...thanks for sharing. Big hugs. smiles.

  11. wow, that would be exciting to play a game there. way to go on the win. enjoy your time there.

  12. I am having trouble typing and remembering what I just read because your last sentence, 45 dollars to park has blown my mind! Wow! I had no idea. It sounds like the perfect day and the cherry on top was seeing your granddaughters new home, or for me it would have been. my days out are over but I can always enjoy the days out of my blog friends.. one of my long time blog friends talks about driving in Dallas, she is Linda of Linda's Life Journal, you might be close to where she lives. or not

  13. What an exciting game for Mylee! I am with you on visiting big cities though.


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