Thursday, January 2, 2025

My Word.

I went to the family farm/lake with Sam yesterday and as I took these photos, my mind was thinking about the power of words and what word would I want to choose for the year 2025.  I never do this...never select a word, but I thought, why not do it this year?

I thought about Resilience and how It would be great to have enough strength to navigate challenges throughout the year.  

Then, my mind switched over to the word Abundance .....  Embracing the fullness of life.  Making sure my life is full of joy and Purpose.  Not abundance in material things, but Abundance in being happy with what I have and being so very thankful.  

Other words that I thought about were:

Gratitude.....Recognizing even the smallest Blessings in my life, and giving thanks for every day...every thing I have and every Blessing in my life.  

Purpose....I want to Continue to seek God for my purpose, with a deeper sense of listening and following HIS path for me. fully in the moment with mindfulness and peace.  Being fully presence in my daily life...looking for things I can do to help others.  

Empathy....  Listening to others to understand  and not be so quick to respond.  Recognizing the needs around me and reaching out to those who may need a simple smile.  

I honestly need each of these things in my life, but I'm thinking that if I focus on one  word at a time, I can do a much better job of successfully embracing the richness that each word offers.  

The lake is such a beautiful place and I felt so much Peace being there.  I honestly did not want to leave.  

Earlier that morning, Sam and I were over at the other farm, checking things out.   We spotted this Beautiful hawk.  

We watched him for quiet a while as he gently sat on the irrigation pole.  And then, he flew off...

Such Beauty in the wings of this hawk......

My surroundings and what I was feeling inside, led me to choose the word PEACE as my word for 2025.  

I feel that by choosing Peace, I will be given the opportunity to experience gratitude, resilience, abundance, purpose and empathy in my life.  Oh.....I know that this word Peace does  not mean that my life for 2025 will be serene and perfect.  But....if I nurture Peace and intentionally focus on this word, hopefully I will find a deeper sense of tranquility and fulfillment.  

What word will you choose?  




  1. I am not sure yet resilient maybe...peace is a good word!

  2. Oh Shug, all these words are nice, and I especially love "empathy." But the word you chose is simply the best word for the new year 2025. And it looks like you found so much peace at this beautiful lake. And look at this Hawk you saw while you were there! They are grand birds, and we don't see them that often, so it's a pleasant surprise when we do. I don't choose words for the new year, but I think it's a great idea to choose a word and focus on that. What better word than "peace?" Have a wonderful start to the new year, Shug. I want to go to the creek now after looking at your photos, but we may get another snow.


  3. Like you, I've never chosen one word . . . think I might be better at a different one each month - LOL. Great pictures today.

  4. Shug, I just love and appreciate the process you went through to decide on your word for the year. I think it's perfect and that it is the result of all the other words you considered.
    That's my prayer too. At this late stage of my life I do wonder about my Purpose and I do so desire Peace. I am going to continue to go through this life walking hand in hand with the Lord and hopefully My "hearing" will improve so I can listen to what the Lord is actually saying to me.
    Hugs and I do love the photos of your lake and the magnificent hawk.

  5. I think that PEACE will help you with getting the other words so much better. And the lake is just that! Your photos of it are so beautiful, and I feel peace just looking at them. And you got amazing shots of the hawk. Especially in flight, which is so hard to do. Myself, I have not thought of a word. Just thinking spur-of-the-moment, I would think either health or peace. Blessings to you, Shug!

  6. I have never chosen a word, but did today. Patience. Sadly lacking with my caregiving of hubby, and praying for it has not worked so far, but will up the prayers and trying. I liked all the words you have us and have empathy for my dog, but not my husband and I do tend to not listen, maybe I will have two words this year, Happy New Year, we started it off with a bang to ER with the dog, and woo hoo on the first 2 days of the new year.. bring on the patience

  7. I'm still discerning what my word for the year will be, but I've got it narrowed down to a few options.

  8. I honestly liked all the words - peace sounds so good! I wish that for you.
    Me - I will go with gratitude - it changes me for the better.
    The area you were at looked peaceful.
    Loved the hawk. So majestic!

  9. These are wonderful words. I would not know how to choose. I had an anxiety attack in the sewing shop store today. I am taking deep breaths.

    1. yes Jenn.. take deep breaths. I have had several anxiety attacks and I truly feel for you. hoping all is better for you today. It is so strange how they can come on for what seems to be just out of the blue. prayers for you sweet friend.

  10. What a wonderful truthful reflection on such meaningful words. A friend of mine just suggested that I choose a "word" for the new year, as she has done for several years and found it very helpful. I love all your words, and I think by chosing PEACE it truly incompasses all the other great words. I have chosen Love and Truth and the balance they bring. So maybe the word I'll cling to is Balance in every area of my life. I love how you explained each word so personal. I'm been thinking about you and the sadness you have experienced and I pray you will truly have the peace that passes all understanding. Loving you dear Shug.

  11. Wow, these photographs are something! Especially that hawk.
    Peace is such a warm word, enveloping one's senses. Thank you for fleshing out my own word (Purpose). I chose it because, in this season I sometimes feel rudderless. I like your meaning much better.

  12. I'm afraid the hawk picture made me sad. A hawk ate the snow bird that Kaitlin and Torben thought had survived after banging into their window.

    No one word for me. I'll stick with my mantra, "Stay curious and open to life. No matter what happens keep learning and growing. Find what you love and find a way to share it with others." That really works for me when times get tough, so I'll stick with it.

  13. I've never chosen a word for the year. But I think peace is a good one.

  14. Peace does encompass so many of the words you mentioned here, Shug. Yes, my word has chosen me, and my big reveal will be this coming Tuesday. May you have the peace that passes all understanding!


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