Wednesday, January 15, 2025

 Oh yes... sometimes when you declutter, you find things that have been lost.  This happened to me yesterday.  

life gets busy, and in the process of keeping up with day-to-day responsibilities, things can get misplaced.  This is exactly what happened to me with a special book I purchased, "The Keeper of Stars."

I had been looking forward to reading this book ever since I got it.  However, in one of those moments of absentmindedness, I put it away and promptly forgot where it was. 

Weeks passed by, then the Holidays came, and the next thing I had been a couple of months since I had seen the book.  I had looked  "EVERYWHERE" for this book....and finally, yesterday I found it!!

I was so excited!!  It is very satisfying to find something you have been searching for, and I may have done a little dance when I spied it.    Woo Hoo.....I am so excited to dive into its pages.  This next Monday and Tuesday might be the perfect days to read.  Some very cold weather is heading our way!!

Why not curl up with this good book and enjoy this lazy time?  I can feel it.....JOY is heading my way.  

Speaking of Joy, I have a lunch date today with my awesome friends.  We are actually going to a "FANCY" place today.  Rarely do we fancy up on the places we choose to eat, but this is a quiet place with a beautiful view and we all just felt like we deserved an outing like this.  

It's a great day to embrace gratitude and positivity.....

BTW....My book was carefully packed away in a bag where I put things that I don't want to get lost.   This was a serious "dull brain" moment for me!!

Midweek Magic is here!!!   Hope you will make the most of this Midweek Magic and do something amazing for yourself...

Love you all....



  1. Hi, I missed you too!
    I love your new sidebar photos. :-)
    Please give a book report when you are done reading.
    xx oo

  2. I've had that happen to me too, it's usually things I put somewhere so I don't misplace them! :) Glad you found it. Let us know if you enjoy it!

  3. You know, I inherited my grandmother's gene for putting something in a 'safe place' and promptly forgetting where that was. We cousins used to laugh, but it's not so funny anymore. I've not heard of 'Midweek Magic' before but love the idea! (So much softer than Hump Day.)
    I'll have to check out that book on GoodReads!

  4. made me laugh with your special place for things you don't want to loose..You sound like me..
    Enjoy your fancy lunch with friends...what could ever be better?
    I too love the idea of Midweek Magic. I will have to give it some thought.

  5. Oh, my, does this sound familiar! Sometimes in wanting to put things away, I put too much away without remembering its new location. Hope you have a super luncheon with your friends, Shug. Blessings!

  6. I'm so glad you found the book you've been searching for, Shug. It's true, when we de-clutter, we find some wonderful things in the process while we are sorting out. Have fun with your friends on the lunch date today. It's always nice to have some cold days where we can have a hot drink, read a good book, or watch a great movie. Gratitude and positivity are two special words, and a gentle reminder, Shug.


  7. I looked up the book. Ooh, that sounds good.

  8. Hope you enjoy the book. let us know if it is a worthwhile read! Have fun with your friends!

  9. Well, this bag is beautiful! I am going to Amazon to find out more about your book, so glad you found it! One of the perks of tidying up!

  10. I know that I am still missing a few items that have been placed in that 'perfect' spot. The spot never to be found until you're not looking for it.

  11. Glad you eventually found the book. I bought a book in July and have misplaced it. It really irritates me when that happens - we’ll have a fun day with your friends. When I was living in my hometown, all my girlfriends would have a Ladies Nite Out the first Friday of the month. We did this for decades. Sadly only one friend is now left - with everyone else passing away. The one friend left now takes care of her mother and has health issues of her own now. Seems I outlive everyone. I’m the only one left from my birth family. Oh well - life can be hard but God is good!
    Have fun

  12. So, let me tell you that late last fall when I was doing some decluttering, I found one of the coin collection books for the State quarters, but I was still in need of some of the quarters. So, I made a list of which ones I needed yet and put it where I would see it often. NOW...I can't remember where I put the collection book! lol Never fear though...I am still decluttering, so I will come across it again. I totally relate to your search for the book! Happy reading!

  13. I can't lose my books, they live in my Kindle reader, of course the internet could disappear and leave me hanging. I have started wearing masks again, due to tv warning us of RVS, flu, the virus I had, and the worst of all coronavirus which nearly killed me at age 60, and would at age 80. I have 3 masks that look like what cowboys used to wear and had brought inside to wash them and put them away thinking I would never need them but would put them there where I could find them. yesterday we were going to bob's doc appt and I could not find them. I like them because the others fog my glasses. today I had searched off and on for an hour. get frustrated and stop then start up again. bob said, did you check the car? Yes, I looked in the console, not there. I went out to the car, opened it and lifted the JUNK and there they were all folded and under the junk.

  14. I have to try REALLY hard to keep on top of things.

  15. Well, you have had a lot on your plate - so you did good finding it. And having lunch out was a good treat for you. I have lost a pair of glasses - my favorite ever and it has been a long time - and I have no idea where they are.
    Enjoy some tea and your book. Do you like tea?

  16. Please give us a book report after you read it. And enjoy staying safe and warm!

  17. I have the same book. Enjoy.


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