Friday, January 31, 2025

Birthday and Dresses

Not much going on around here today...

We do have a Birthday girl in the Family 🎂

       And just like that ...... she is now 17 💛

       Happy 🎂 Birthday MJ...    aka....Sassy


Other news: 

 This past week, I have only left this house one time. .... SO.... today I am stepping out and going to go do some retail therapy!  
We have two grandsons getting married this year and I need to start looking for dresses.

        These two are Maybe 1 and Maybe 2

Well, this is all I have for this Gorgeous Friday, May 31st.  

As always, Praying God's sweetest Blessings for each of you.



  1. Happy birthday MJ! Hope it's a delightful day. Shug, I'd choose the blue dress. But blue is my favorite color so no matter what you put up I would choose the blue, lol. Hope you enjoy your outing today. Have a great weekend and take care.

  2. Happy Birthday blessings to pretty Mylee .... oh, those eyes!
    Both those dresses are so elegant. I'm leaning towards #1, but then, do you have to choose just one? Have fun!

  3. Pretty dresses. The last fancy dress I bought was for my son’s wedding on leap year 2020. I had a dress fiasco! I had ordered a dress that was to my measurements and it came about a month before and while it was gorgeous it was too big! It would have cost even more for alterations so I went to Macy’s and bought a dress that I really didn’t like. It was just okay. It was comfortable and that’s good because I hate itchy stiff clothing. It could have ruined everything for me but God stepped in, reminding me the wedding was not about me or how I look. And of course, God is always right. I had a good time in spite of the darn dress fiasco! I eventually donated the original dress to an organization that gives poor disadvantaged girls dresses for proms.

    I’d go with the blue - while I like the long sleeves, no doubt they would have to be altered.

    Happy 17th to your granddaughter. She hasn’t changed since her childhood photos. I liked being 17.

    Have fun with your retail therapy - I’m going out to lunch with a friend today.

  4. 17 is such a great age, Happy Birthday to your Mylee Jo! Oh I love the blue dress, shorter sleeves and no plunging neckline and such a pretty color for you:)

  5. Happy Birthday to a beautiful young lady... outside and inside... I know this from all the stories you have shared with us about her.
    xx oo

  6. I like the blue, try both and see which one makes you gasp for joy. or snatch them off and look further. Happy Birthday to MJ... she is beautiful. loved seeing her grow up in the photo collage

  7. Happy Birthday to beautiful Mylee!
    Good luck on the dress shopping!

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you so much....hard to think that our baby grandchild is turning 17

  9. Happy Birthday Mylee Jo! Such sweet photos of her through the years. Sometimes non busy days are the best days, and going shopping is right up my alley. ; ) Hope you find some goodies when you are out, Shug. Those two dresses are good choices for the weddings. When Jess got married, I wore a champagne colored dress similar to the color shown here. And always, thank you for your prayers for your blog friends, Shug. I appreciate that so much.


    1. I will give Mylee your Happy Birthday Wishes... I tried on a few today, and I just can't make a decision....Going to let Shanda go with me this weekend and look. Of course, I have a couple more months, but in case in needed to be altered in length, I thought I should go ahead and get the first one.

  10. Well either one of those dresses would be simply gorgeous on you.
    Your MJ is so beautiful. Happy 17!! Our kids and Grands just keep getting older..Slow Down Please!
    Hope your Retail Therapy goes well...

    1. I just got home from retail therapy and wow...I really needed to just get out. Thank you for your compliments on Mylee. Hope y'all feel better soon.

  11. I think that #2 (blue) is much more like SHUG! the first one is kind of bland, and that is not you. You are colorful and cheerful! The blue is so pretty, it would look so good on you. Mylee just continues to get more beautiful!!!

  12. P.S. Not that I'm trying to bully you into buying the blue one or anything!!

    1. I did try on some blue ones today and I truly liked them. The one in the picture, I ordered and it should be here Monday... I had not even paid attention to the neck line on the gold would not work for me...Thanks Ginny always

  13. MJ is a beautiful young lady. I would find it stressful to find one dress, let alone two! Can you purchase one solid-color sheath and a long jacket or overdress for each event?

  14. contemplativecat here I'd go with the blue #2. It has better lines. Your baby-now-grown girl is such a sweetie.

  15. When did that happen, Mylee is already 17 and just as beautiful as ever.

  16. Retail therapy! :) That brought a smile to my face. I need one too! A trip to the grocery and discovering new items makes me happy.

    And happy birthday, MJ! I love her peeping photo. That was creatively taken.

  17. Hi Shug! I'm finally sitting down to catch up on blogs. I love Mylee's name :) Hope she had a great day. I like the two dresses you're considering. I had the hardest time choosing a dress for my son's wedding. My practical side kept wanting to take over when I saw the prices :) Either one of those would look great!

  18. Happy Birthday to Mylee.
    Both dresses are pretty but my favorite is the blue

  19. OMG. I only went out one day this week too. It was great. Now I gotta get out today or tomorrow. The air fryer lid arrived damaged and so that hunt continues. Also wanna pick up a new waffle maker. Just read the latest post, loved the birthday money tree. What a hoot! Happy Dress Shopping.


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