Just wondering....is there a space where blogging friends could easily exchange phone numbers or addresses? Or is this something that needs to be done through email only? Some of you are friends with me on Facebook, but not everyone has messenger.
There are many times when a blogging friend will ask me a question about one of my post and I would love to be able to answer them.
You all are not just casual online acquaintances, you all are friends that I've shared my life with, supported and been supported by.
Over the years, I've been fortunate to have direct connections with a few of my LONG-TIME blogging friends. This makes such a difference when "life happens".....whether it's celebrating a birthday and sending a card, sending Christmas cards, or just simply checking on one another after a loss OR not hearing from someone in a few months, wanting to make sure they are Ok. I believe connection is important and there is just something so personal about a handwritten note that social media can't replace.
I completely understand that not everyone is comfortable sharing personal details (like your mailing address, email address or phone number, and that's okay. But I know that for those of us who would be comfortable in sharing, this would be an easy way to communicate when a question is asked. In many ways, I feel closer to some of you than to my friends who live right down the road.
My Beautiful friends, Betsy from Tennessee, Ruth, and Ginny, just to mention a few, have been much more than just names on a screen. We have been there for each other through many of life's ups and downs. We've celebrated milestones, comforted one another, and shared so many everyday moments together.
I know that we can go back and reply to a comment, but I'm not sure how many go back and read the replies. ??
There are many times when Sam and I will be having a conversation and what we talk about is what all is going on with my blogging friends. I've shared your prayer needs with Sam and I have also shared our funny stories.
So, is it crazy to wish for something like this? I don't think so. It's just a reflection of how deeply blogging has connected us over the years. What do you all think? Would any of you ever be open to exchanging contact information? I know that in this day and time, we do have to be so very careful who we share information with, but I ....KNOW and TRUST.... each of you.
Just a thought!
I think this is a wonderful idea, Shug! I just sent you an email with personal information.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I just have questions about a post and sometimes friends ask me questions..I just feel like I leave everyone hanging..
DeleteI know just what you mean! I talk to Bob about my blogging friends and what's going on in their lives too. I do have that info for several friends. I'll send you an email!
ReplyDeleteThank you Mari...I got your info and sent mine to you..
Deletethecontemplativecat here. I know what you mean. I find that true for me too. Some sites have an email address in their info page.
ReplyDeletecute name....do you still blog?
DeleteMy email is on my Blogger reply and I've made friends that way. Right now I don't have access to email so I shut that off. However I used to have it posted on my blog. Then I redid the blog. When I get email back up and running, I'll put it back on the reply and then find a way to post it at the end of my blog. I ditched the side bar thingy, and didn't think about it until right now that the email cartoon on the side bar also got ditched. Thanks for the this post.
ReplyDeletesounds great....looking forward to receiving your email address
DeleteI gotta put it on there at the bottom with a cartoon. Right now email isn't working but that will be fixed soon. Happy Weekend.
DeleteI totally agree, Shug! I tried e-mailing you from your profile, but it required so much red tape that I gave up. Like you, I often read various e-mails to Phil, and he knows several of my blog friends by name and state. I also think prayer support is so important too. And in order to know how to pray, we may need to know certain things that bloggers may not want to put out publicly, delicate issues. If you e-mail me, I will send you my e-mail and any other contact info. I do feel like I know you personally, your kind heart and personality! Sometimes I will see something cheerful and think this reminds me of Shug. Even though we have never met!
ReplyDeleteTrue...I've always appreciated your friendship and I learn so much from you. I just think it might be neat to sometime Hear each others accents. I have a strong southern accent. hugs Ginny
DeleteI tried sending you an email, something will not let me. My email is captainconnie2001atyahoodotcom send me your address and I will send you mine!
ReplyDeleteI just sent my information to you via email....
DeleteAbout four months ago and all the years before that - if a blogger had an email when the comment got sent - so did their email. About four months ago they changed it and now all of the comments come without the addresses. Did anyone else see that? I always write to the person in a comment for their address and give them mine. They usually do it. Of course, you know you hit it off more with some people than others. Then I save their emails with the name of their blog, and I am all set.
ReplyDeleteIs Betsy from TN still blogging? I don't think so - love her and Ginny too.
I just sent you an email. Thanks for asking! ❤️
ReplyDeleteAgain, you've expressed so perfectly what I'm feeling about our Blog family. Thank you for asking!
ReplyDeletePS - For some reason, the e-mail link (on your profile) isn't working so I'm sending you a PM via Facebook.
I know what you mean about wanting to answer questions. My comments come to my email but some of them are no-reply. If they have a question in their comment the only way to answer them is in a blog post. I stopped responding to comments on my blog a long time ago because I never go back to read the replies so I doubt many others do. That's why I respond in email when available. I'm always more than happy to share contact information. I have made so many wonderful friends through blogging.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous idea, Shug! Here is my email: marthaorlando@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI do make every attempt to respond to each and every comment someone leaves on my blog, too. So many wonderful friends, new and old, in the blogosphere. Blessings!
IHi, yes we can email, I reply to questions through email, i don't reply on the blog andi never go back to read replies. its all I can do to keep up with reading/commenting.This is Sandra, THE MadSnapper. ha haI added you to my contacts. I email with about 10 or 12 of my e-friends. when there comments come into my email, i reply back to those that i have emails, I am on FB but don't use it except for Family, I know Ruth and Ginny and Ginny was my first ever follower that was not a friend that new me, back in 2009. I just sent you an email from your profile
ReplyDeleteOne of my blog friends actually did a post about this, and I told her that I don't send replies on my blog, cause I'm not sure how many people really go back and read the replies, like you said. But I always go to their blog or e-mail them and answer their question. I know they will get my response that way. So, your post today really is a good one, Shug, and your words about your blog friends were just beautiful. I feel the same way. I've had a few friends since I started 13 years ago, so we go back a long way. But there are new friends, like you who I am so grateful that I found. A wonderful post with thoughtful words, Shug.
I think that would be a wonderful idea. It is my friends here in bogland that made me want to start up my blog again.I may be sporadic in my posts, but I will be here.