Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Remembering 2024

 Happy New Year........2025   

How many of you stayed up to bid farewell to 2024?  Did you open the front door and usher out the old and welcome in 2025?

Sam and I did not!   We watched "Country in Nashville."  I do like Keith Urban and he was a very good host for this event.  Then, it was bedtime for us! 

Here are a few of my favorite family pics of 2024.

In May of 2024, Sam and I flew to California to visit family and had a wonderful trip, hiking, hanging out with the kids, and enjoying nature.  

In July, We welcomed a new great grandson....William Ty Thomison

Two of our grandsons proposed to their girlfriends this past we will now have two weddings in the year 2025.  One in May and the other one is planned for September.  

Trey and is set for September 20, 2025

Carson and Emily.....Wedding set for 
May 10, 2025

2024 - Mylee went on a missions trip to Costa Rica.
This was a wonderful Blessing for her...
Here she is enjoying the countryside of this beautiful place..

She will get me for posting this picture.  LOL.

Her softball team won STATE!!  This was huge!

It was fun going to the playoffs and watching this team WIN!

Another highlight for her was........ She was selected as Homecoming rep of her Junior Class and she looked stunning in her beautiful dress. 

Tori and her boyfriend (Connor) live in the metroplex area.   In 2024, they traveled quiet a bit to several of their friends weddings.   I'm keeping my fingers crossed  🤞 for the next wedding they attend will be theirs.....🤞

Tucker, Emily and William moved to West Texas.  About a six hour drive from us.  I miss seeing them everyday, but I know they are happy and living a good life. 

Tyler, Emalee and kids have settled in to their new home.  We are all so happy for them.  
The kids saw their first snow last night, the last night of 2024.  

The year 2024 gave us much joy along with sorrow.  We celebrated new life and we celebrated the life of a loved one.  We shared in love, we shared the holidays of the year, and we made the time to take some of our annual photos, we also enjoyed celebrating special occasions.  We Loved, we laughed, we joked around,  and we comforted one another.  These are the kinds of things that family and friends do.   This chapter has closed and a new one unfolds before us, brimming with all kinds of possibilities.  

As I have mentioned in previous post, you all are my cherished friends and through our daily conversations and all of your kind words, you are a big part of the mosaic of my life.  Each of you have added a unique piece of color and meaning to my journey, and I am deeply grateful.  Oh my goodness....there is so much that I could say about 2024, but I know there is not enough room on this page to post it all....  I can't forget to post this ....↓↓

Our family and friends.....

Thank you Tyler for your service to our Country! So proud of you!

although I did not stay up......I am still ringing out the sorrows and the struggles of this past year.  I am ringing in HOPE, KINDNESS, and as many opportunities that I can, to share my heart and Jesus with others.  

I plan to uplift and support you all every chance I get and spread the LIGHT of Jesus with everyone I come in contact with.  

I have the BEST family, and I have wonderful friends!  I am truly BLESSED.

Here's to a new year filled with endless possibilities.   Wishing you all the best in 2025.  

My Love,


  1. Beautiful post Shug. You’ve had a wonderful year. As we get older, we’re beginning to experience loss of friends and family. It’s so hard but part of life. Cling to Jesus and continue loving that family He gave you. Happy New Year. May it be a blessing

  2. Aw, thank you for blessing us with this sweet recap. Beautiful family members! I love your photo collages and would like to find something similar next year -- do you use PicMonkey or something else?
    Already your words and wishes are encouraging me. To 2025, and all it brings!

  3. What a beautiful, uplifting post to welcome in this new year! I am thankful for your friendship, and look forward to spending it here with you!

  4. Shug, this is such a lovely and poignant post today. What a year filled with joys and sorrow, family and friends. I am wishing you a beautiful new year. I know the Lord will bless you and your family as you move forward.

  5. Happy New Year Shug. I wish you and Sam a healthy happy new year!

  6. What a wonderful post. You had some year and it sounds like the good times outweighed the bad. May your new year be filled with all the wonderful moments life has to offer.

  7. A beautiful post. Praying God's great blessings on you and your family this year!

  8. You have such a wonderful family, and had a great year. But so sorry how it ended in tragedy! You are likely not over the shock yet. But I know it is a comfort that he is in heaven now. These photos are great! Gosh, I remember Mylee when she was a little girl. Now she is all grown up and even more beautiful!

  9. That was quite a year! I hope 2025 is another great one for you! ❤️

  10. Your family is beautiful, inside and out, Shug. Yes, you are very blessed with so much positive news and possibilities awaiting you all in 2025. Blessings!

  11. That was a beautiful post - in spite of your sadness you remembered the joy you had in 2024. You sure had a lot of wonderful memories there - and more to come in 2025. You care so much about family and friends. Congratulations to Mylee!


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