Monday, January 13, 2025

 Good Monday Morning Friends.  

Hoping everyone had a relaxing weekend.  I wouldn't necessarily call mine restful, but I made a deliberate decision to tackle something that has been on my mind for a while.....Decluttering!!

I would call this more of a marathon than a sprint, when you have 52 years of stuff to sort through.  I'm not expecting to be finished for a few days now, ......but, I set my mind to it, and I want to get it done.   

I began pulling out old knickknacks--items that I haven't seen in years--that have been tucked away in cabinets and shelves.    

As you can see....popcorn buckets for when the girls still lived at home.  Several candles that I never used, and table cloths galore.  

I asked myself, why in the world did I keep vases that flower arrangements came in?  Way too many of these!!

Stuff that I have been holding on to for no good reason!!  Lots of ceramic birds. I think that way back when, I did a table setting using birds.  who knows?  

It's amazing how the things we once thought we couldn't live without, end up forgotten, hidden behind newer memories.

I am excited that these items will soon find new homes!

This isn't my traditional "Spring Cleaning" but rather a kind of Winter reset, making space not only in our home, but in my life as well. 

By last evening, I felt a sense of (semi) accomplishment as I still have so much more to clean out.  Clearing out clutter, leaves room for new energy and hopefully, PEACE....
my word for the year.  

On a brighter note, here are a few photos of Mylee, her friend Kennedy, and my youngest daughter, shanda & her husband Tom. 

These photos were taken last evening at the Ribbon cutting ceremony for Mylee and Kennedy's school.  Both of these two young ladies were stunning in their "Dress Up" outfits.  

Our wonderful son-in-law, Tom, 
and Shanda

                                      Youngest daughter, Shanda

As I start this new week, I plan to carry on with my decluttering.....
Wishing you all much progress and a lot of positivity today.  



  1. Oh my goodness - I did that decluttering twice in my life. It is so hard to start - but once you do it gives you a new lease on life - it felt so freeing. You could have a garage sale there. BEAUTIFUL FAMILY!

  2. I need to declutter some more when we get back home again! Those gals look so pretty all dolled up!

  3. I've been working on getting rid of things too. I actually started last year and it's amazing how much stuff is tucked away and never used.
    Your family is so beautiful!

  4. My, oh my, you have lovely daughters and grands.
    Good for you to get into the Decluttering process. You are so right about wondering why some of those things are being kept. I am the same way. I certainly don't need so many of the same kind of thing...but..they seem to be remaining behind cupboard and closet doors.
    Soon !! I do hope so...

  5. Their outfits are gorgeous!! They are timeless beauty, and I love the way the white jackets match. I am de-cluttering too! 53 years of stuff for me. It gives you a good sense of accomplishment!

  6. Gosh, Mylee and her friend look so pretty and grown-up in their finery!
    Almost 7 years ago now, we were forced to de-clutter when our home in Arizona sold faster than I anticipated. Unfortunately, we still paid to have unnecessary 'stuff' moved cross-country -- some of which I'm still dealing. Sentimentality does play a significant role! I love your word, "Reset."

  7. Good luck in that decluttering. It has kinda become an ongoing thing for me. As I come across something I don't need or want it goes into the give away bag. I've got one bag full now to take away.

  8. I wish I could get myself to work on the decluttering. My problem is that I don't want to have to take things anywhere to donate but I can't bring myself to throw things away that are perfectly good.

  9. Hi Shug. GOOD FOR YOU! Oh, decluttering is such a commendable thing to do! I'm trying but it is like pulling teeth out of a rhinoceros. You gave me inspiration, though. I am so sorry you have bouts of grief over your brother. I understand completely. This year will be the fifth since my husband died and it is terribly difficult. Life has been forever changed in every way imaginable. Anyway, keep up the good work!

  10. Shug, that is great that you are going through things and de-cluttering and sorting, and giving away things that you no longer need or want anymore. I am doing the same! Yes, it's like, "do I really need this or want this?" I'm so proud of you, cause this process is so difficult for some. That's a nice photo of Shanda and her husband, and I really like the coat Shanda is wearing, so cute and fashionable. That's a cute picture of Mylee and her friend too. Their white fur coats are pretty. Keep up the good work, Shug, and if I was near you, I'd come over and take a goodie or two. You have some nice things there. : )


  11. Good luck with your decluttering. We lived in our large house for almost 30 years, and had A LOT of things in it! Over several years I made multiple passes through those things; each time I was able to let go of more of it.

  12. Decluttering is so rewarding, good for you! It is amazing how much collect over the years and never use. We try to be minimalistic, but it does not always work.

  13. I have decluttering on a long list, but its way down on the list. i know how you are feeling because I got the same feeling when I decided to go through the 3 cabinets that hold our foods. I found 4 cans of chicken noodle soup that expired in 2020.. at least that means we were not sick enough to eat noodle soup. I found other items, and now there is space in all 3 cabinets. feels good when I open it and see space not over packed. when I declutter I always wonder why I kept some of the items


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