Monday, January 6, 2025

cold weather and more.

 Good Morning friends......Lets dip this Monday in some Glitter and Sparkle All Week!!

Happy Monday.......

Sam and I spent most of our free time on Sunday covering plants and making sure that the Greenhouse was warm enough for his lemon and orange trees.  

We are expecting some pretty cold temps, but I know that 22 degrees is nothing compared to what many of you will have.  

It is very comical in Texas when we have freeze warnings and people are rushing to the grocery store.   I did make a quick stop at our local grocery store to purchase some milk.  There was No Milk!!!  

The ice storm of 2021 makes everyone a bit nervous.  It truly was bad and many people were without electricity for weeks.  Hopefully we will just have a drop in temps for 3 or 4 days.  

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Our weekend was a very nice get-away.  I was able to get some rest and I enjoyed spending  time with Sam.  

We had lunch at "The Cheesecake Factory" on Saturday.  We both love the Orange Chicken with Brown Rice, so we shared this dish.  We also shared an appetizer of warm crab dip and toast.  

I failed to get a picture of the Cheesecake counter but I do know that each different kind looked super delicious.  
Can you believe that we didn't order a slice of Cheesecake? 

I always have to make a stop when we go to this particular mall to watch the carousel going round and round.  There is something magical about seeing the faces of the little kids as they climb upon a beautifully decorated horse.  

This stirs memories of my own childhood adventures of riding a carousel.  

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I made a big pot of soup yesterday afternoon....Vegetable Beef Soup and a pan of Hot Cornbread.  This should keep us warm!!
Sam wanted me to make a pot of Chili, but I figured I can do that later in the week.  

Hope you all stay warm today...
Happy Monday..


  1. I always cook chili when the weather gets cold. even Florida cold deserves chili. cornbread is good every day of the week, any time, any temp in my book and I have never met a merry go round I did not want to ride. I last rode one in Savannah at age 16, but it was last only because of people staring. I would still love to ride one if I could get on the horse

  2. Sounds like a nice weekend! I can't believe you didn't get cheesecake though! :)
    We also had vegetable beef soup yesterday. We had fresh bread with it, but cornbread sounds good. It was 7 degrees when we got up yesterday.
    It's pretty cold all over! Good soup and chili weather.

  3. We're supposed to get 3-5 inches of snow up here in the DFW area, but I'll believe it when I see it! 19 degrees here this morning.

  4. We are going to get cooler here too. My son in Ohio got about 8 inches of snow - so we were lucky. Your soup sounds wonderfully warm. My favorite meal at the Cheesecake Factory is the orange chicken too! Love, cornbread too.

  5. We love cheesecake Factory, but the closest one is pretty far away. And yes, we have also eaten there and not bought any cheesecake! But it is nice to buy a slice to take home. This is the most awesome carousel I have ever seen in a mall!! What a lovely day you had! We are in the middle of a blizzard and I am just praying that we don't lose power. It will be in the teens all week!

  6. Love your Glitter Monday and all the things you did over the weekend.
    I do hope the Freeze won't damage your trees and those pipes of yours.
    Love Cheesecake Factory. Now you've made me hungry for it.
    I went to make split pea soup this morning since I have a huge ham bone in the fridge..I don't know what is happening to me but I have no chicken broth at all, guess I used it up on the stuffing I made for Thanksgiving... so now I have to make a trip to the store and replenish my cupboards..they apparently are quite bare...
    Glad you could spend some special time with your Honey. We all need that.

  7. Hubby cooked a wonderful dinner last night (eggs served with sauteed cabbage and fried potatoes) and there's enough for leftovers tonight. I have raw vegetables as part of my lunch every day, but because I was craving soup I chopped them up and microwaved them in broth.

  8. My favorite restaurant! Oh, I admire your will power in the face of those cheesecakes, Shug. Fortunately for me, the nearest CF is a 2-hour drive.
    We've no plants needing protection, but I need to remind Tom to wrap the outside pipes and drip the faucets. Better, too, I check for milk. Brrrrrr!

  9. Hello Shug! I'm glad you were able to get away for the weekend. And am also happy how you prepared to protect things in the greenhouse. Twenty-two degrees is low for Texas! Have a wonderful week!

  10. we got lower temperatures, but no snow yet .......
    take care....

  11. You wouldn't have wanted to see my face on a carousel. I've always hated anything that went around and around. By the time I got off, I was green.
    We don't have a cheesecake factory here, but we do have a place called Cheesecake Unlimited. I always call it the cheesecake factory and get called on it, lol.
    Enjoy your Texas cold spell, and stay warm.

  12. Soup and cornbread sounds perfect for cold weather. So does chili! And that calendar is perfect for lifting the spirits.

  13. I love your opening line. I think we should just go ahead and dip all the days of the week in glitter.
    Nothing like a pot of soup on a cold day. Even here where people are used to bad weather they still flock to the grocery store and stock up.

  14. It's all relative right? 22 in South Dakota is almost t-shirt weather! The forecast of snow here in Kentucky is pretty much shutting down the state.


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