Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Decorating post #2

Decorating Post #2

                       A few of them!

I have so many sets of dishes that I could seriously open a shop.  But none of mine are for sale! Lets see...I have my moms dishes, my grandmother's dishes, my Liberty Blue dishes, A set of the Apple dishes and now I have my MIL's Friendly Village dishes.  Plus the extra Holiday dishes (Valentines, Easter, 4th of July, Summer and Christmas).  Truthfully it's ridiculous.

I have always loved the "Friendly Village" pattern of dishes and my mother-in-law knew how much I admired her set.    Before she passed away in Sept of 2023, she called me over to her house one day to tell me that she wanted me to have the Friendly Village dishes, along with the 3 sets of stem ware that she had purchased to go with the dishes. 

Week before last, I finally went and packed them up.  I love, love, love them.  

Although these are dishes that I would typically have out during the Fall season and for Thanksgiving, I think they are way too pretty to keep hidden....for this reason, I now have them out in my Dining area.  

The friendly Village pattern by Johnson Brothers is a traditional dinnerware pattern that depicts village scenes.  This pattern was first produced in 1952/53 and was manufactured in Staffordshire, England until 2003.  

Just an absolutely Beautiful set of dishes.

I enjoy decorating our home with a unique blend of styles, which allows me to express my own personality and hopefully it creates an inviting ambiance that my husband and kiddos enjoy as well.    I'm sure that not everyone would do this, but I mixed the elegant, pastoral charm of the blue toile patterns with the warm nostalgic feel of the friendly village dishes.  

This might seem like an unlikely match, but the two elements (I think) creates a pleasing contrast between coziness and a touch of elegance.  Of course... The elegant look is nice, but not what I strive for.  

When the two different patterns are layered it draws attention to the charming village scenes on the dishes.  I also think that by combining the two, it creates a year round look. 

My Mother-in-law also had a huge collection of blue and white vases and ginger jars.  
I was given a few of these pieces as well..

This was her large Ginger jar...

I can actually use this set of stem ware with the toile or the Friendly Village dishes..

My Shelves in the dining room...

Gorgeous Vase.  

I have more to do ..... 

I'm now on the hunt for New Lamps that will compliment the Blue and white pieces.  

Mixing and matching....It's what I do!!

And the fireplace mantel that I purchased at First Monday..  Simple but very unique!

I loved the metal on this piece which is what first attracted me to it

And....the wood looks so old as if it has been repurposed. 

It's just ME for sure

"May all the windows of your heart be OPEN to all that this day has to offer"



  1. I love the Friendly Village. Your decorating is lovely!

    1. thank you much Jan. I appreciate your comment..

  2. I love seeing all your pretty things!!! You have a gift for displaying them!

    1. Thank you Linda...My mom had a gift of decorating and I hope I got this from her.

  3. Your home looks like it should be in a magazine! Very nice.

    1. Much thanks for you sweet comment. I tell myself that I am not bringing anything else into this house as for as decorations...Remember...I just decluttered 14 boxes of stuff...time to stop buying

  4. You have such a fantastic eye for design and color, Shug. I do love the Friendly Village collection especially. May you have a blessed day!

    1. So sweet...thank you so much. The Friendly Village dishes will always be so special since my MIL gave them to me.

  5. both sets of dishes are beautiful and I like that you have them on display, as part of your decor. your house is lovely. that first photo of all your dishes has me smiling. you would go into a tizzy if you saw my un decorated house. I can list the dishes we have
    12 correl plates, 2 patterns. 4 green glasses like your MIL blue ones, got them at family dollar. they are the only glasses in the house, Bob has his favorite glass to drink milk in and he drinks water from a plastic insulated cup, I have a tiny 8 oz glass I drink from. 2 insulated glasses. thats it. I could not set a table for 4 of anything. when the kids used to come, there were 6 of us and we used paper and plastic.
    told you you would go in a tizzy...

    1. Truthfully....it would be pretty cool not to have so many of the dishes...I am so datgum sentimental though. I need to learn to let go.

  6. I love the dishes and the memories that go along with them.
    I do love your style.

    1. Thank you Carla....I do have too many dishes..

  7. I love it all! You have a real knack for decorating in an inviting style. I really like those Friendly village pieces, and they are even more special because they were given to you by your MIL.
    Love that mantle too!

    1. your so sweet Mari. thank you much. I have always enjoyed decorating...

  8. I'm so drawn to the Friendly Village pattern! Who'd have ever thought to combine cozy and elegant so beautifully? Why, it's Shug!
    Thank you so much for taking us on a tour of your beautiful home!

  9. Beautiful sets of dishes! I like your fireplace mantle too...so cute!

  10. I love my condo, but its small size makes it hard to display a lot of things.

  11. Oh, my goodness I like the white cabinet holding the plates. You can change them out every season. You do have so many - you could be in southern living.
    I love your Aunt Jemima - they are bringing her back - they should have never taken her away - she was a real person and icon!

  12. We could be very best friends, Shug, when it comes to our love of dishes! Your set of the Friendly Village is so nice. I purchased mine at an auction about a year ago and bring them out in early November or late October. I love the different scenes.

    All of the blue and white is beautiful as well.

    I hope your Tuesday has been great.

  13. This mantel is awesome! I have never seen one like it. It reminds me of shabby chic or cottage style. If you said where you got it, I don't remember now! I agree with the arrangement of the two dish patterns. But let's not forget about your awesome chargers and placements!! I also love the arrangement you put in the tall vase, it is absolutely perfect for this vase. The blue goblets are so stunning! Your mother-in-law knew how much you would appreciate these, and use them to their best advantage.

  14. I love your decorating style. As for dishes, if I had the room, I would certainly have many more sets. Maybe it's good I don't have room for more than we use on a daily basis.

  15. I especially love that mantel. Have a blessed day. ❤️

  16. I love the Friendly Village dishes, Shug. And they are so special because they belonged to your mother-in-law. They were passed down to just the right person. And they really stand out on your cream shelves. I love to hear when dishes are first introduced and how far back they went. I have a few pieces from the 40's, and it makes me smile when I look at them. The cookie jar is delightful on your bakers rack. The glass jars are really neat too with the labels. And your mantel is charming and very unique. Have never seen one quite like that before. I like the sweet hearts that are hanging from the mantel too. You did a great job decorating, Shug, and I can't wait to see more!


  17. Shug, I love all your dishes, but especially the toile. They are gorgeous. I'm big on blue and white, too. Have a great week, take care.

  18. You've got me beat for sets of dishes. Yours are all wonderful. Love that mantel. It looks very nice.

  19. I LOVE Johnson Bros Anything! Especially, your pattern. I also have too many sets.

  20. I'm sorry you lost your MIL. Those dishes are pretty. Very, very nice. Calming too, I find to look at. I love that.

    I LOVE that cookie jar. It's just so cool. Happy Lamp Hunting. I do enjoy that, hunting for house stuff. Very fun.


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