Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Weather and Misc.

 Good Early morning sweet friends.  

I got up a little early this morning.  I wanted to check on the Winter forecast for our next few days.  

         For us Texans.....this is a BIG!.  lol. 

Seriously speaking, when you are in the Nursery Business, the weather is everything.  Too hot with no rian can lead to stressed plants and trees.   On the flip side, cold temperatures and ice can damage or kill the trees.  Both extremes can result in significant losses.   

Sam and I watched "the Forge" last evening.  It is showing on Netflix, and if you have not seen this movie.....I highly recommend doing so.  

This movie is very inspiring and uplifting as well.  


I made a stop at our local "Sam's" yesterday and there is nothing like having to park in the back forty!  I know you all have heard of this before.  
The parking area is HUGE and I honestly had to park in the furtherest parking spot in the lot. It was good for me though...pushing my cart up the hill to my car was some good exercise.  
 I was asking myself, what in the world could people be buying?  The buggies I saw were mostly FILLED to the top with groceries.  I suppose people were stocking up.   Me....I was there to purchase coffee and trash bags. 
I am thankful that I have "Scan and Go."  
No check out lines!  woo hoo!

🩺 🩺 🩺 🩺 🩺 🩺 🩺 🩺

I also went to the doctor yesterday....for a checkup.  My lab work was great and I got a thumbs up at the appointment.  
Of course....it is that time of the year when you have to pay those medicare deductibles.  I wanted to pay the whole thing and get it done, but they only take a certain amount.  I don't really understand this...why not let you pay  all at once and get it PAID?

  This is all I have for today...
Hoping for an interesting post tomorrow!!

Happy Day Friends.  



  1. Shug, I smiled when you said you checked the weather forecast because it is something that we need to do here in the mountains, especially when we get snow in the winter. Thank you for the movie suggestion. I am always looking for good ones on Netflix. Haven't been to Sam's in forever, but I always love browsing and getting goodies that we can't get at the stores. So glad that your check up went well. Your posts are delightful, Shug, and I always leave here smiling. : ) Have a good week.


  2. I've been checking weather here too because we've been in a cold spell and getting plenty of snow. However, no more snow is predicted this week. :)
    I go to Costco and have also had to park in the back 40. I wonder about those carts heaping full too.
    I've heard The Forge is good but we don't have Netflix. I'll have to see if I can find it somewhere.

  3. Stay warm and cozy..that looks like some really cold times ahead for you. I hope your nursery business will be ok and not damaged by the ice and temps.
    I need to get to Sam's Club too but I think it will probably be tomorrow. I seem to be running out of all my staples at the same time.
    That movie looks good but we don't have Netflix.
    Glad your Dr. appt. went well..its always comforting to know things are doing what they are suppose to do.
    Have a great day

  4. Hello Shug! I just finished watching some of the things that the weathermen are predicting for Texas, and I totally understand why you would be up early to check the forecast.

    Thank you for the movie recommendation. I've not seen this movie.

    Glad you had a good doctor appointment yesterday. That's always a relief.

  5. i am so glad to hear about your medical results, Hurrah!!! This weather map looks like a pretty tie-died outfit! We are dealing with Snowmagedden!

  6. People might be over buying because they are freaked out about some possible disasters on the horizon. One if the extreme cold weather hitting the US now, not good for ancient frail power grids. The other is the SHTF in China now with two respiratory virus that are wreaking havoc in the hospitals there. One is a weird strain on pneumonia the other is the H5N1 flu. Word on some of the alternative media is that they have been weaponized.

  7. Always nice to get good reports from the doctor. I find it crazy how some people go overboard on the buying when the weather is going to be bad.

    1. Me too Ann. It's crazy in Texas when the weather changes or there is some kind of happening in the Country. I mean...our bad weather may last for a couple of days and that is it.

  8. Congratulations on the great doctor's report! We, too, are experiencing all kinds of wonky weather. Just last week I was running my car's air conditioning and this week we're advised to drip faucets to keep the pipes from freezing. There's even a possibility of snow on Friday, woo-hoo!

    Thanks for the head's up on The Forge!

  9. It's cold and snowy here too. Stay safe and warm!

  10. There are a handful of items I buy from Costco and Sam's on a regular basis, but the only time I use a cart is if I'm buying laundry detergent or a case of almond milk. My theory is that I can't buy more than I can carry (in my arms or in a box I snag from a shelf). Over the years the theory has saved me a ton of money!

  11. Stay warm, when we had our Greenhouse business i had an frost warning system inside, we had a thermostat failure once and avoided freezing out...thank goodness or the entire season would have been a loss.

  12. Well then, if you passed your physical then you must be doing better - I'm glad. I agree about the weather, and I didn't think about it in the nursery business - hope it will all be okay.
    The winds in CA are so bad with the fires and here in GA we are supposed to get 8 inches of snow this Friday - what is going on?
    I picked up a few groceries today and some lady had 8 gallons of milk and 5 breads!!
    Stay warm.
    Love, sandie


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