Sunday, January 26, 2025


A Sunday Morning post...

As a Christian, I am called to reflect the heart of God.  Compassion, Mercy and Grace. 

These past few months (even just this morning) I have seen people posting on social media, sharing their struggles with needing groceries, propane, or other essentials for living.  My heart naturally wants to respond.  

Do they have small children who might be cold or hungry?  Are these people at their breaking point? How can I ease their burden? 

My immediate instinct is to try to help meet the needs, however, I have to pause and question a few things.  Why do these same few keep having repeat post, asking for all kinds of things?   Do they really need help?  Are they too lazy to provide for themselves? Are they just down or their "Luck".   Do they have jobs? Are they scammers?  

Discernment is vital, because not every situation is ours to fix, and not every need presented, IS AS IT APPEARS.  Although my heart can become very heavy for those with needs, it is important for me to seek the Holy Spirit for guidance.  When God prompts us to act, even if it's inconvenient, or costly, we  need to help.  

I certainly do not want to be an enabler to those who have some serious problems.   It's important for me to understand....  that God just may be working in a person's life in ways that I cannot see and it is not my place to interfere with His plans.  

Just a short story here:  At our local grocery store, there is an older person who has worked there for quite a while.  A few years ago, I felt the Lord guiding me to give this person a tip for carrying out my groceries.  They were so very thankful and I felt that I was doing as God had directed me.  Then....a few months later, I allowed my heart to overcome my thinking, and I tipped her/him again just on my own decision.  This happened again and again.    NOW....I feel as if they are expecting it!  The reason why I feel this way?  Because when I am at the register checking out, they come over and tell the other bagger that I am a friend and that they will take my groceries out.  This makes me feel very uncomfortable.

Totally My fault!!

Saying YES to my caring heart is not always the answer.  Seeking God's wisdom is the answer.  

The heart to care for others reflects God's love, but our care must be rooted in HIS wisdom.  

Oh the lessons that I have learned through my years.  


We have Rain today!! 






  1. many are scammers, few of them are really in needing.....
    # May God bless you and your family

  2. Good Morning Shug. It is just in my heart to help someone that asks or are in need. What they do with it is on their heart, but compassion is needed tremendously in the world.....and you have so much of it. And it's good that you are cautious with people you don't know. We never know the hurts of others, so if I can, I always give. It has been in my experiences that if they ask, they really do need help. Your talks with God are the most important thing, cause He will guide us if we don't know the answer. And that's very wise that you don't want to interfere with His plan.


  3. This is SO true, Shug!! But it can be hard to discern God's leading from our own emotions. I think prayer is the answer to this.

  4. Very well said. I know around here we have to be very careful for scammers, or those who just would rather take from others instead of getting employment.

  5. Have a blessed, peaceful day. ❤️

  6. I fully understand what you are saying...wishing you a beautiful Sunday my friend.

  7. I can certainly identify with the situation you've illustrated here, Shug. My heart, if left to its own devices, will go out immediately to those we perceive are in need, but if I gave to every cause and every need of others, I wouldn't have a cent to my name. I, too, have learned to pray and trust God to let me know what I should do if anything. Blessings!

  8. It's so true! There are so many who ask on Social Media or that I see with signs on corners. It's hard to know who really needs help and who is just scamming people. I'm sorry about the situation with the carry out person. Your intent was good, and now it's hard to get out of it.

  9. Prayer - asking the Holy Spirit for guidance and waiting. For those times when we just believe it’s the right thing to do, then do it in the name of Jesus and trust that it is from Him. I think that if you’re noticing this, is an indication of Holy Spirit working in you to be more discerning. Everything we have and own belongs to God but He wants us to be good stewards. Just keep trusting God and talk to Him about all of this. He will answer.

  10. Shug, as I was reading this, I was thinking that we often step in with help when really, God is trying to do something. I think, as moms, we naturally want to fix and nurture and make sure everyone is ok. Even with our own kids! But it's so important to pray about all the decisions, isn't it? If we are the ones meeting everyone's needs, then we might be getting in the way of God showing himself faithful. Great post!

  11. I prefer to donate to vetted organizations that turn around and offer help to those who need it.

  12. Wonderfully put, Shug. How to discern, indeed! Unfortunately, that grocery bagger showed his/her true colors. I think the best path is, like others have mentioned, going through 'vetted' organizations.... and prayer.

  13. It's hard to continue to be charitable when you feel like you are being taken advantage of. There is a guy around here who has become a town favorite. If you didn't know him you would think he was homeless. He walks everywhere and I always used to drive by him because honestly, he just smells really bad. Anyway, one day I drove past him and my husband asked why I didn't pick him up. He made me go back and get him. From that day on the guy would run for my car every time he saw me. It wasn't always convenient to take him where he wanted to go.

  14. Those are tough choices. Being a skeptical person, I tend not to give them any money. Like Ann, I have pulled over and picked people up only to later regret it.

  15. I am so much like you. I can look at someone and feel for them and almost cry. But how do you know? I keep singles in my car. When I pass a homeless person, I always give a couple of dollars. Do they really need it? I don't know, but if they are out there asking then it doesn't hurt me. Might be Jesus out there.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

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