Saturday, January 25, 2025

A full Saturday

 This lovely Saturday finds us with a FULL agenda for the day.  

The day began with an early morning trip to the farm to unlock the gate.  We saw 5 little deer as entered the gate.  We were pretty sure that we would see some more as we drove to the back side of the farm. 

We didn't!!

 Hmmm...I'm thinking that Sam's windshield needs a little cleaning....the top picture I took outside of the truck....this bottom one was through the front window.  

After wrapping up at the farm, we stopped for a delicious breakfast.  A good hearty meal and a hot cup of coffee....YUM!  I ordered the senior plate of a cheese omelette, toast and hash browns.  So filling and so good.


At 11:00, the focus shifts to family as we attend Mylee's  basketball game.  I love watching her play her very favorite sport.  Lets go Orange and Blue.  🧡🏀  

I then need to run to the Mall.  I need to shop for my little niece, Tammy.  Coming up in just a few weeks is the "Night to Shine Prom" spearheaded by the Tim Tebow Foundation.  I plan on writing a post about this event, this coming up week.   

 Our plans also include a visit to see Sam's dad at the nursing home.  He so enjoys us dropping by to visit him.  Of course, Sam goes every day to visit him which is a great thing.  I discovered how important it is to visit everyday, when my Dad was in the nursing home.  

Sad to say... but when family drops by EVERYDAY, then you can rest assured that your loved one is being well taken care of.  

Finally, our day will wrap up at home.  Netflix will be calling our names.  Will it be "Virgin River?"  Maybe "Sweet Magnolias" or a good ol' Western movie like "Horizon!"

Looking forward to a great day.

Gratitude is my only Attitude today...

Hugs Y'all



  1. Sounds like a full and fun day. The deer are a treat to see and that breakfast looks mighty tasty.

    1. Hey was a very good breakfast. I was so surprised when we came around the corner and saw all 5 of them and they did not run off...they just stopped and stared at us.

  2. You're packing a lot into one day!

    1. Seems like we live a very busy to keep up with the grandkids

  3. You have a busy day. Sam is such an amazing son!! Your senior breakfast looks so good!

    1. I did...but I am now home. Got my feet propped

  4. Gratitude is the best attitude!
    Your day sounds full. I love seeing the deer.
    You are right about family visits and the way it helps care. Good for Sam!

    1. There were 5 little does and they were having such a fabulous time playing out in the open field.

  5. We haven’t left the house yet- it’s very windy. When it gets this way, we stay home in case a fire breaks out. A power line blew down and sparked a fire but was contained very fast. Even Laydee doesn’t want to go outside. Too windy.
    The photo of the deer - looks like a fire in the background.
    Omelette breakfast looks good.
    I’m just saying … you’re amazing how active you are.
    Enjoy your busy day and nice evening. You deserve it.

    1. It does look like a fire, but that was the sun coming up...No filter at all. The deer were so pretty and so playful out in the field. Hope the wind dies down for you all.

  6. we love your attitude.. yes, gratitude is the best.. wow on deer on your own land, I would love it. we watch a Netflix movie each night from 5 to 7:30. Last year I watched the series The Night Agent, season 1, loved it and am rewatching it because season 2 is about to come. you might like it. I hope I get to watch all of it, bob finds things hard to follow, but so far he made it through the first 2. hope you find something you love.

    1. Oooo. I'm going to write this down so we can watch it...thanks for the recommendation.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I have a question - do you own a farm as well? How often do you have to go there? Those deer were precious. You like pepper too - on the eggs! Me too.
    You are 100% right - the more you visit a nursing home the more attention and care they get, sad to say.
    I think I remember Tammy going to the dance last year. So nice!
    I agree:
    Gratitude is my only Attitude today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I think it's wonderful that Sam goes to see his dad every day. That certainly does keep the staff on their toes, for sure. And you're absolutely right about having a gratitude attitude every single day- there's always so much to be thankful for. Blessings, Shug!

  10. What a great day! Tammy is going to glow!
    I so wish every grown-up child of a parent in assisted living reality zed what their visits mean. I just wish I'd visited more often and stayed longer.

  11. I’m glad Sam’s dad lives so close. Visits mean so much. ❤️

  12. Yes visiting everyday makes a difference, I am sure the visits are good for them both! My husband visited his Mom everyday also. I was not as good since I had four siblings we all took turns:) Enjoy your sunshine!

  13. Hello Shug....You are so right about residents of nursing homes getting better attention when families are involved and visiting frequently. I'm so glad your "forever love" visits his father daily. Your breakfast looked and sounded yummy. I love Sweet Magnolias and Virgin River. Also, All Creatures Great and Small. Shug, thanks for your frequent visits to Writing Straight from the Heart. You are a very faithful blog follower and I appreciate your visits with all my heart.

  14. Beautiful photos of the deer, they often venture to suburban neighborhood too at sunrise. I would never spend money on a sleazy outfit like Netflix because the have featured content that sexualizes children, to the point of having legal action taken. Buyer beware.

  15. That is one full day you have planned. So nice that Sam visits his father every day. I remember when my grandfather was in a home and I would go visit him. It was so sad to see all the forgotten souls lined up against the wall in their wheelchairs.

  16. You seemingly had a beautiful day, my friend. Wishing you a lovely day.

  17. Sounds like a wonderful Saturday, Shug. Oh, those deer you saw, what a sight! I could gaze at them all day. Your breakfast looks delicious. There's just something about hash browns, right? Shopping at the mall is always a fun thing. I hope you found something for your niece. Proms are such a memorable night in a young girl's life. That is WONDERFUL that Sam goes every day to the nursing home to see his dad. I bet he appreciates that so much. I hope you found a good Netflix movie to watch. Yes, Virgin River is always entertaining. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Shug.



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