Wednesday, December 4, 2024

This Christmas season is full of activities around this place.  Each December day has been filled with a whirlwind of busyness.  

Between the responsibilities of my daily life, and ME having a strong desire to embrace the magic of Christmas, finding balance has so far been a challenge for me.  Even a prime example of all of the beautiful chaos of my life.  

I have had this ladder for many, many years and I keep it decorated for every season....

I love being greeted by the sight of my Christmas decorations each morning....I haven't really had the time to fully indulge in their beauty, but each morning I still find myself (for a few minutes) catch my eyes as I am hurrying around the house.  

My today's agenda is packed again.  A doctor's appointment for a shot in my knee is the first stop...."Ouch"
Following that, I have the joy of meeting my grandkids for lunch.  I do treasure this time, and this will be extra special because, by the end of the month, they will be headed out of state to their NEW home. will be filled with a little responsibility, and a whole lot of Joy!
I love the busyness of the season, and I try my best to find balance, in finding time for Me and my health needs, as well as enjoying all of the simple pleasures of memories being made with my kids.  

I think that there is a possible secret to all of this......It isn't in slowing down, but in cherishing EACH matter how quickly it all passes by.  
....I may have to go to bed at 8:00 in the evening.....just to keep my energy up.....but I definitely plan to enjoy this Christmas season.  

My fireplace Mantel.   

My Newly decorated Tree!!

Sending Love to each of you....


PS...I plan to read each of your blogs this evening....Excited to see what you have been doing...



  1. Oh your decorations are beautiful! I have that same snowman on the candle holder on your fireplace! Have a fun day!

  2. Your mantel is so stunning, and should be in House Beautiful magazine!!! I do not have the talent or creativity to do something this spectacular. I love your ladder, and the idea of decorating it for the seasons! And right under this painting, it looks like we could climb up and go right inside this snowy barn!

  3. All of your decorations are beautiful. The holidays are just the opposite for me. They are generally pretty quiet and low key.

  4. Your house is absolutely festive and full of cheer, Shug. Gorgeous! Enjoy every moment of time with family and sitting quietly with the beauty you've created for all to enjoy. Blessings!

  5. Everything looks wonderful! I like the tree and the mantle. That painting that's a backdrop on the mantle is so beautiful!

  6. Stunning! Looks like yours, is the “go-to” house at Christmas. I’m still lagging behind on the Christmas decorating.
    I hope all is well with your knee. I have a dental appointment tomorrow which means time I could be doing something more fun and Christmassy. Ugh!

  7. I would love to see your home each time I got up and fully understand how all your beautiful decorations make you happy. I have no talent for decor and no money, but if any of yours was here I would love it... so happy you are going out to lunch and I know you are sad they are moving

  8. That painting is exquisite, Shug. I want to reach out and trace the trees with my fingertips. Do you keep it up (minus the accessories) all year? Thanks for the reminder to CHERISH every moment.

  9. Your mantel is so festive and pretty. I really like the picture with the snowy trees, and I can so relate to it, as we had our first snow and it covered the pines. The garland of bells is delightful. Your tree is magical - I thought it had Santa's and Snowmen on it, did you take those down? Everything looks so lovely, Shug. Enjoy this special Christmas season.


  10. Oh, my goodness - your home should be in Southern Living! Gorgeous. The mantel. The ladder with lights! Beautiful. I am so happy you have all those things to do and your determination to do it - that is fantastic. I would be the same way. Glad you are loving the season.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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