Sunday, December 8, 2024

This and That Sunday

 I'm posting a little "This and That" on this Sunday morning.  

Sam and I with 4 of our grands. 
Tucker, Carson, Pops, Mylee, Me, and Trey
Missing were Tyler and Tori. 

Our "BIG" grandson.....Tucker.
When Tuck was 8 years old, he had Leukemia.
(this was a very difficult time)
The doctor's told us that his growth would most likely be stunted. wasn't.
He stands 6'2 and is so super handsome!
LOL...He was trying to "Hog" the dessert!

A quick "crazy" family picture..
missing just a few.  
I love the picture of us as a family, but I'm not fond of me in this picture...I had on a heavy Christmas sweater, PLUS a jacket with puffed shoulder pads... I look BIG in this photo.  

Oldest daughter...Trista and husband Ty

Youngest daughter ....Shanda and her husband Tom.  Tom had just had shoulder surgery the day before.  He couldn't wear a Christmas sweater, so we improvised by throwing a Christmas sweater over his shoulder.  lol

A game we are going to play on Christmas Eve with the kids.  
You fill these cups with prizes and cover them with tissue paper.  
To play the game, there are questions that you ask and they have to truthfully answer or if they tell a story....they pick on the naughty side.  These are trick gifts. 
Examples of questions:  Have you ever eaten a cookie meant for Santa?" or "Do you sometimes sneak a peek at your presents before Christmas morning?"

Do you love outdoor Christmas lights? Or how about the big blow up Christmas decorations? 
I LOVE lights and wish everyone would leave them up all year long.  I do have a lot of party lights in the backyard that stay up all year long.   There are a whole lot of the big santa and snowmen blowups all around this town.

You are very special to me...

Happy Sunday.


  1. Oh Shug, what a fun post this is. I loved seeing photos of your family. You guys seem to know exactly how to have a wonderful are a fun-loving family. Wow, there are some tall guys there, too! Thanks so much for sharing your joy.

  2. A Christmas sweater post!!!! I love it. And you are so cool and crazy in the first photo. The Tucker photo is super cute! And I've said it before, but man, you have such a beautiful family. Where did you get this game??? I want it to play on Christmas. You know, I got your seasonal Bingo and we had fun with it, you know the best games!

  3. What a fun post. I don't have any more Christmas sweaters! I used to wear them to school when I taught. The good old days!

  4. every single photo today says joy and happiness and family. I agree with Ginny that your family is beautiful, you are all blessed to have each other. I am so happy your son survived leukemia, I lost a deer friend to it 3 years ago, she was 81 years old. I had no idea old people could get that disease

  5. I love your family photos and what a wonderful family you have. It was good seeing everyone. How nice most of you were together. I am happy about Tucker - and no it did not stunt his growth. I may be in for shoulder surgery too - your SIL looks pretty good for one day after! Cute game.

  6. Like the others said, you have a beautiful family! You all look so happy. Yes, I love Christmas lights too and my favorite decorations are the old fashioned ones. I don't care for those blow up things. There are lots of them around but mostly we see them deflated and laying all over the yard. Not very Christmassy.

  7. I love the pictures! You all look so cute!
    I'm so glad Tucker is ok - and with no growth stunt!

  8. Looks like you and your family have a lot of fun with the holidays. Love all the sweaters everyone is wearing

  9. I can totally feel the love and laughter in these images, Shug! Props to Tom for managing a smile despite what I'm guessing is significant shoulder pain. Whatever's in that trifle bowl looks so good; I'd be just like your Tuck and invite others to "get your own!" LOL.

  10. I'm so glad you get to enjoy your wonderful family!

  11. Nice photo! You look just perfect! Fun times for you and I love all the sweaters!

  12. I so enjoyed your wonderful family photos, Shug! Your happiness and humor is contagious. Happy Second Sunday in Advent!

  13. I found it. Bu still confused. So you can either tell the truth or lie? Then do you have to guess who is lying?

  14. Y'all sure know how to get in the Christmas spirit!


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