Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Pretend Sleigh

What a magical day it was yesterday!!
I Kept Emersyn (great granddaughter) yesterday morning and she really brought a lot of festive joy to this place. 
We had (make believe) sleigh adventures, pretending to be in Santa's sleigh zooming up and down the driveway.  Of course, Emersyn was steering the sleigh and I was holding on!!!
We made several stops, delivering presents and then munching on pretend cookies.  
LOL...after what felt like HOURS of magical flights, the sleigh came to a stop.  
It was time to wrap a few packages! 
She helped me gather the supplies needed to wrap each gift.....then her mom dropped by to pick her up.
Santa's sleigh.....real or imagined sure makes for a lot of love and laughter.  We shared Both!  

The afternoon brought a different kind of work for ol' Santa.   I had laundry to do and packages to get wrapped.  
I found myself sitting among rolls of cheerful wrapping paper and a stack of gifts.  
It is hard for me not to be particular when I wrap a gift.  This takes extra time making bows and homemade tags.
By evening, our house was quite!!
Little Emersyn's sparkle for life can be a bit contagious.   I am sure this is the reason why I was able to complete all of my Laundry and wrap all the gifts within  just a few hours time.  

Texas Oil Well with Santa and Rudolph.

This is located about 20 miles from our house.  

I love this neighborhood where my nephew lives.  The entire block has a snowman in the front yard.  

This is the entrance to my nephew and his families home....So neat with the nutcrackers standing firm beside the door.  

I'll leave you all with this... 
"The Grinch"
Tammy had the opportunity to have a picture made with the Grinch...

Blessings on this sweet Tuesday morning...
Try riding in a make believe sleigh today!!  



  1. I need to take the sleigh from the sofa to the back yard and do a little work. I did mop the floors and wipe down the cabinets this morning, so could use a sleigh to move around, ha ha... your nephews front door looks like he lives in a castle. its gorgeous. My house looks like a Grinch lives here because I am a Grinch and there are no outside decorations. wonder if a Grinch can ride in a magical sleigh

  2. I love your imagination. I loved the oil well 'thingie' with the Santa on top. How cute. Your nephew's entry way and house is GORGEOUS! Tammy is so cute with the Grinch - I love the ole grinch too. You should show how you wrapped your presents - I bet they are beautiful as well.

  3. You look far too young to be a great grandma! Sounds like you and Emersyn had a fun time together.
    Your presents sound pretty!
    Tammy and the Grinch are cute together.

  4. What a lovely day you had, flying through the sky with such a sweet driver holding the reins! I am also wrapping these days. I think your wrapping style gives me inspiration!

  5. Sounds like a magical day! We're also in the midst of present wrapping around here. We've been doing long drives to see the neighborhood Christmas decorations too. I am so grateful for everyone who decorates for Christmas, as we are in the middle of a home remodel gone long and currently our only decoration is a big red dumpster (at least the color is festive!) in front of our house!

  6. My goodness - you have been blessed with youthful looks and energy to match. Good genes! I used to do this type of play when I was a nanny and had a daycare. It was fun. Children bring out the inner child of all is us.
    Wrapping gifts have never been my thing. I’m a “ bag lady.”
    I am sure your family appreciates all the beauty you bring in to their lives at Christmas. You are making memories that will last a lifetime in the hearts of your family, long after you have gone. Very sweet

  7. What a wonderful time playing make believe with Santa's sleigh adventures, Shug. We sometimes have to do that, right? Your nephew's entrance to his home looks grand and festive for Christmas. And I like the idea of that neighborhood all having snowmen in their front yards. How nice that you make homemade bows and tags for the packages. I just saw a few of Nel's packages, and they were wonderfully wrapped. Me, it is a tradition to put a BIG black initial on the back, like my mom used to. This is such a cute picture of Tammy and the Grinch.

    Blessings to you as well, Shug.


  8. PRICELESS !!!
    I'll bet your EmerSyn loved every minute of your time together.
    You, Shug, are a bundle of energy. I want to ride down your driveway on that imaginary sleigh too.
    Your Nephew has a gorgeous home and I love the oil rig Santa and reindeer too.

  9. Now riding around in a magic sleigh sounds like a good time. Kids have a way of making things fun

  10. I sure could use a dose of that kind of energy, Shug. Your great-grand sounds like one bundle of fun and imagination rolled into one. The oil rig Santa made me laugh. Blessings!

  11. You know how to have fun more than anyone I know! And you have an awesome imagination, which leads to such creative things!! Your nephew has an awesome home, and decorated so elegantly, especially the tree in the upper window. LOVE the oil well!

  12. Little ones do keep us young (at least at heart).

  13. What a delicious kind of day! I do love Emersyn's name so much; sometimes it's hard to remember that I lost naming rights 55 years ago. (lol) th

    That oil rig-turned sleigh is wonderful!

  14. Fun times with little ones can make us feel younger!!

  15. It sounds like you both had a great time. I haven't played with a little one in years. ❤️

    1. Just adopt a dog or cat from one of the shelters to play with, they are fun and don't sass you or require a student loan later.

  16. Nothing weird or creepy about that Grinch photo...

  17. WOWOWOW look at that house (nephews), beautiful! Wishing you a lovely day my friend.


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