Wednesday, December 11, 2024



Many people top their Christmas tree with stars or Angels.  

When I was growing up, our Christmas tree always had a Star at the top.  At my young age, all I knew about the star was that when we finished helping decorate the dad would top it with the gold star.     

As I got older, I learned about the significance of the Christmas Star.  The star atop the Christmas tree comes from the biblical story of the Nativity.  We all know that according to the Gospel of Matthew, a bright star appeared in the sky, guiding the Wise Men to the birthplace of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem.  "The Star of Bethlehem!"   By the way....."Beautiful star of Bethlehem" is one of my favorite Christmas songs.

When our daughters were growing up, we had a star on our trees, but for the last several years, I have used berries, greenery and sparkly branches to top our tree.  

A couple of weeks ago, our little great grandson (Keelan) was over at our house just after I had decorated our tree.  He made the comment that he had not seen many trees with stars on them this year.  This made me think about the Star on our tree when I was little.  

Yesterday.....I purchased a star for our tree!!

Isn't this Star Beautiful?

Keelan and his mom (Emalee) stopped by yesterday afternoon to visit with us.   Before I even had the chance to tell him about the star, he had noticed it himself.  The Star was important to him.     I love this little 8 year old kid.  

I want the star on top of our tree to be more than just an ornament.  It is a symbol of hope, faith, and Love.  This star shines brightly and if you look closely, you may be able to see....that the Star reflects tiny stars up on the ceiling.  It's presence on top of our tree,  reminds me of the spirit of the season AND ...... I pray that my little grands will be inspired to hold the true meaning of Christmas in their hearts.  

Today is Emalee's Birthday....Happy Birthday to our Emalee.  🍰



  1. Happy birthday Emalee (what a beautiful name, smiles)---usually we have a star, but our ceilings are low and this year it's an angel. Wishing you a beautiful day my friend.

  2. Happy Birthday, Emalee!
    I love the way your Keelan thinks, Shug ... and how that prompted you to find this pretty topper. Even your new background sparkles!

  3. Happy Birthday Emalee!
    Keegan is wise beyond his years. I like your star!

  4. That star is beautiful and I love how it reflects stars on the ceiling. I don't have any stars on any of my trees (yes, I have multiple trees) I do have angels on two of them though.

  5. I'm so glad you bought it! It adds a reminder of such an important part of Christmas. and it is GORGEOUS!

  6. Happy Birthday Emalee!!
    I LOVE that star, and I love even more that you went out and bought that for Keelan and that he wanted a star on the tree! How wonderful. I am pretty sure he will remember the meaning of Christmas because you have taught it to him.

  7. its beautiful and perfect for your tree. we always had a star on our tree, the same one all my life with my parents. I have a star on my tiny tree, have had it for about 30 years. my aunt always had an angel and either of those is good for me. I love the way a sparkling star looks. Happy birthday Emalee. Beautiful Star of Bethlehem is at the very top of my favorite list. that reminds me of my mother and I am now listening to Alan Jackson singing I want to stroll over heaven with you.. not a Christmas song but my mother loved Christmas all things Christmas

  8. It is a wonderful season for stars, festivals, and light.
    When I was teaching, in multicultural neighbourhoods, we had such fun sharing our festivals and celebrations. It made our celebrations even more special.

  9. Last year we purchased a vintage star. Got it home and discovered it was too heavy for the top of the tree and fell over unattractively. We did without, and this year went with a bow.

  10. I'm so glad you found a star for Keelan. It was so sweet of him to say that to you. I have a similar star, but I don't put it on the tree because I have an angel. I like stars on the tree better, and I don't know how it came to be an angel so many decades ago, and if I didn't put it up, my grown sons would notice and ask. Lol
    I love how you captured the little reflections on your ceiling. That is nice. Now you need to find a children's book about a Christmas star and read it to him. Or just read it out of the Bible. That works, too!
    Happy Birthday, Emalee!

  11. Happy Birthady, Emalee! We always had an angel on top of the tree.


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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

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