Thursday, December 12, 2024

 Can you believe it is already December 12th?  Today is my youngest brothers Birthday.  I am almost certain that he is turning one more year until MEDICARE!  ha! 

I came across this ↓↓↓ and thought how cute it would be to find out what you all would be giving me for Christmas!!  

See if you can guess what I would be giving you! 

If you guessed a Tic-Tac-Toe game then you would be correct.  

This is a wooden Tic-Tac-Toe game that I picked up at "Home Goods" last evening.
I thought this would be a great gift for the Christmas family party on my side of the family.  We play the gift exchange game...
I mean..I would love to get this.

Ooooo.......How many of us fit into this category?  

I try to be super nice and as kind as I can be, but I will admit that there are times when my buttons are pushed so hard and it causes my frustration level to reach the HOT level.  

This happened just this week....but this story will have to wait for another post.    lol.  

Hopefully I'm back on the "NICE" list.  

I know that many of you are cat lovers, so I wanted to show you what has been hanging out at our house.  The last few nights, he/she has been sleeping on the pillow of my porch swing.  
No I don't know if it is a stray or what.  

While checking out the cat this morning, I saw this....↑↑↑↑
For some unknown reason, the water features on the pool came on.  Our temps are pretty chilly, so I don't think we will be needing to be cooled down.  

On another topic...I am having a difficult time planning my Christmas Eve meal...
Would love for y'all to send me some ideas of what you are serving.  
I'm thinking finger foods.....

Hope you all enjoy a lovely day and remember to BE KIND..



  1. How fun is this! I don't think you want my gift. We have a church party tomorrow and need to bring a white elephant gift. We picked up a green tinsel dinosaur that says Merry Christmas on it. :)

  2. Looks like you are getting batteries from me. I need ideas for Christmas eve too. That's when I get together with both my kids and we always have something but I'm just not coming up with anything this year.

  3. I'm afraid I would be giving you a scale. It just now arrived from Amazon because our old one finally gave up the ghost.

  4. I ordered 12 Promises From God for Women, Inspirational Scripture Cards in a box to give to my Bible Study group or eggs! Your choice!

  5. For Christmas eve, a large Chartuerrie board would be good. I have no idea how to spell this, but you know what I mean. They are all the rage now. The cat is beautiful! And the last thing I bought is a bag of celery, just an hour or so ago. Being as you are such a fun person, I cannot imagine giving you anything worse than a bag of celery! I really want to know what made you so frustrated!

  6. Cheeseball.

    That's a suggestion for the Christmas Eve food.


  7. Oh, I love Tic Tac Toe. This will be a nice game to play at Christmas. I just went to Home Goods, and I couldn't believe they had a Valentine section out. Now, I'm not complaining, cause it was a delightful section for sure. So, to answer your question on what I would give you for Christmas.....probably the item that I bought there, a Nutcracker. Oh, I wonder where that cat came from., and be careful it doesn't have fleas. I hope your brother has a day filled with all the things he loves. And that vintage card is so cute. Looking forward to hearing your story about your buttons being pushed last week, Shug. It happens to all of us. ; )

    ~Sheri is a tradition to have french onion soup on Christmas Eve, so that's an idea.

  8. I bought a bag of Licorice for a gift you would like to have exchange...I will paperclip a 50 to it! Finger foods...bacon wrapped little sausages, puppy chow, my husbands chip dip, chips, pickles, crackers and cheese, maybe some sliders for a real hungry crowd:) My brother was 64 back in October he is looking forward to 65 next year= medicare. Happy Birthday to your brother:)

  9. My last purchase was colored peppers and feta cheese. You could have either or both :-)

  10. Trying again!
    I'm embarrassed to admit, you'd be getting a new kitchen sink strainer. Tom mentioned a while back making a rib roast for the two of us, but I'd be just as pleased having a white pizza.

  11. Happy birthday to your brother.
    I love Tic Tac Toe - I just bought a gift card for my DIL $50 as one of her gifts for Christmas for Athena Clothes!
    I have a new recipe I am going to try it is a candy cane dip. I will send to you if interested. I know anything you make will be awesome!

  12. I read this post yesterday, and for some reason blogger would not let me comment. I came here after reading about your sons miracle to say a belated Happy birthday to your might be 64 year old brother. my baby brother is 76 4 years younger than I am and my only sibling. my brother just passed his 9th anniversary of cancer free from amyloidosis, and his miracle was they gave him 3 to 6 months to live and its been 9 now.
    someone will love that tic tac toe game.


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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...