Tuesday, November 12, 2024

We had a few visitors pop up in our yard recently.  There must be at least 20 of these Mushrooms in one section of the front yard.  

This one is Huge!!  Much bigger than the palm of my entire hand.

I looked them up and they are called white puffball mushrooms.  Puffball mushrooms are edible BUT there are some similar mushrooms that look like the puffball, that are poisonous.   I don't think I'll take a chance.... LOL!!  

Did Someone order a bright Sunny Day?? 

Well....here it is!  Have a Terrific Tuesday and sweet sweet hugs!



  1. And you're a fun gal, Shug! Thanks so much for making me smile today. Blessings!

  2. thanks for the fun and I do love jokes and puns. my fun today was in addition to ready all of the blog friends posts, I drew 2 flowers, and painted them, and I took my 17 inch Christmas tree out and removed the cool white lights and sat the naked tree in the nook for the branches to fall down, and tomorrow will put the warm white lights on it. the tree came with cool whites and the nook hanging lightbulbs are warm, last year it killed my OCD sefl to have warm and cool in the same nook.

  3. Isn’t it interesting that there are good mushrooms and toxic mushrooms that could kill but they look alike? Reminds me of Lucifer - perfect in beauty. Reminds me of false prophets of today - fake news - etc.
    One reason needs to know the authentic in order to spot the lies, and evil. Jesus is that for us. Keep your eyes on Jesus!

    1. I read recently on one of my favorite conspiracy sites, that Jared Kushner is the Antichrist, so there's that. At least he and Ivanka won't be working in the WH this time around. The new Chief of Staff Susie Wiles said no Clown Cars allowed this time.

  4. What a cute pun. These are the kind that are around here. I had no idea of their name, now I have learned something. No mushroom stew for me!

  5. You are too cute! You are growing a bumper crop there. I agree - don't eat them! lol

  6. Ha Ha... I like to take photos of mushrooms, but I would never eat one in the wild.

  7. Neat photos. Every fall my folks took us mushroom hunting, they used to take a manual with photos, descriptions to avoid poisonous varieties. Chanterelles were the best, they were everywhere and used in lots of recipes.

  8. We recently had some of those pop up in our own yard; thankfully the pups left well enough alone. I remember a Girl Scout field trip years ago where the guide told us, the more colorful the mushroom, the more poisonous it is.
    It was decades before I ate them, and only then pre-washed via the grocers.

  9. I occasionally get mushrooms growing in my yard also. I don't know enough about them to know a good one from a poisonous one so I would never be brave enough to try and eat any of them.

  10. Happy Tuesday..I don't trust mushrooms in the wild either:)

  11. I've always thought mushrooms were so strange looking, and you're right, there are poisonous ones, so it's hard to tell which ones are. Although, I do love mushrooms sauteed in butter to go along with a good steak. That was a cute mushroom joke. Your blog is lovely, Shug, and I always leave with a smile. : )


  12. I will eat mushrooms from the grocery store (both fresh and dried), but nothing from nature, even if a professional fungus hunter were to certify they were safe.

  13. For some reason, mushrooms give me the creeps! I don't even trust the ones at the grocery store :)

  14. I am intrigued by wild mushrooms but not confident enough to try them

  15. August is our mushroom season up here. I love them. My grandie is learning about foraging. It is interesting.

  16. I haven't seen any fungi in our yard yet this year, maybe its just been too dry. I'm going to keep my eye out for some, not for eating but just for photos.
    Love your joke too.
    Our bright sunny day is slowly turning into a cloudy , windy and possibly a bit of rain day. Not complaining at all. We need the moisture so badly.
    Love your posts Shug. It's a pleasure visiting.


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