Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Gift for Life

 Once again, I had the privilege of having lunch and a day out with my dear friends.  

We went to a neighboring town and enjoyed a wonderful lunch at the cutest little cafe, then we shopped at a couple of boutiques and an Antique store.  


This candelabra was so neat.  As you can see, Many, Many candles have burned on this one stand.  I really examined the candelabra to see how the wax had built up from the bottom to the neat!


As we all know, life is a GIFT, given to us from our Heavenly Father.   

Each time my friends and I gather for lunch or for a girls day out, I see the gifts that each lady brings to our friendship.  I always tell them that the greatest beauty of being old High School friends, is the connections that we share as well as our experiences and stories.  

I love all kinds of art.....  whether it is a drawing, a painting, or a tapestry piece. Many of you post your drawings and I so much enjoy and appreciate your talents... For the past fourteen years, my heart has been creating a unique piece of art.  It is a tapestry, and it is being made from the best stories, lessons, dreams, setbacks and triumphs from the BEST blogging friends.  

When we share stories, we offer insights into different paths and ways of thinking.  I enjoy hearing about all of the journeys you each take. You each add to my tapestry and I thank you for doing so.  Hopefully, I will get to spend many years working on this unique piece of art.    

Friendships, whether it is through blogging or having lunch with High School friends, is a gift for life.  

YOU are a Gift!!




  1. I totally agree. You have a wonderful way of expressing this!!

    1. Thank you Ginny....You are one of blogging friends that I have had from the beginning...we go back many years...

  2. I agree with Ginny, I love the way you express ideas that we all share. ❤️

  3. Completely agree with this. Looks like you had a great girls day out.

    1. Hey Ann....we always have a great time because we all like to

  4. Life is a gift, indeed, and friends are the icing on that cake. Blessings, Shug!

    1. Yes they are Martha....Icing makes the for the sweetest part of a cake.

  5. If a candle and spagetti had a child.

    1. LOL....absolutely sandi.. a good description

  6. A tapestry, yes! What a splendid way to put it.
    This candelabra reminds me of the old Chianti wine bottles in baskets with drippy wax. There used to be a sweet little Italian Restaurant in Fort Worth with one of those on every table.

    1. I have seen those wine bottles before and they too are very neat. There is a local Italian restaurant that has one on each table...fascinating to watch as it burns.

  7. Awww, what a beautiful sentiment. Love it :)

    1. thank you so very much Debbie...I appreciate all of my blogging friends.

  8. Hi Shug, Was there dust on that candle wax? It is an interesting piece! You are a gift to the blogging community! I enjoy coming to read what you are up to! It is so good that you and your friend get together often!

    1. I was so surprised, but there was no dust on the candelabras...They must clean them everyday. A very unique piece...

  9. That candelabra is so neat with the wax build up. Have never seen anything like it. A day of shopping at boutiques and antique stores with friends and lunch sounds like so much fun. I may be having a shopping outing next week, and it will be fun to see all the Christmas goodies on display. A tapestry of friendship, that is beautiful, Shug. And your friendship means so much to me too. I love visiting here, and your positive outlook is something to be appreciated and admired.


    1. Thank you sheri....and I also enjoy each of your beautiful post. I love going to antique stores. So many neat things that I've never seen before.

  10. 💯 agreed and you have a beautiful way of expressing this tapestry in every blog post! You should write a book of daily thoughts. You are THAT talented!

    The waxy candelabra is interesting. One has to wonder how many conversations were heard? As for me ever owning it - I couldn’t. My OCD would have that thing soaking in a hot water solution, so I could peel off the wax! Oh and what a surprise it would reveal underneath!

    Always a pleasure to visit your cheery blog!

    1. Lol...I know what you mean Debby about the OCD. I looked up underneath it and wow.....a huge build up of wax...I just wonder how long it had to sit on something to keep the wax from dripping to the table, before it started to build up

  11. Thank you, what a sweet post. Thank you my friend.

    1.'re so sweet Carla....I appreciate you for being a great friend.

  12. Oh Shug...thank you that I can be a part of your Tapestry too. Its a beautiful piece of life.
    Such precious memories are made when you and your high school friends get together.. They are definitely a true Treasure.

    1. Oops I meant to comment on the candelabra too. Wow, that represents a whole lot of days, years and conversations by candle light. Makes me wonder what the story behind it is.

    2. I agree....can you imagine how many conversations have been made around the candelabra. It was truly a beautiful piece.

  13. glad to see you and your friends are in good health......
    yes, life is a gift from God..... have the best friend is a precious gift

    1. Thank you Tanza....we have all been best of friends for almost 60 years...

  14. I just love the way you write. I like it because I know it is from your heart. You love your family and friends and life, and I can feel that. All things like this are gifts from God for sure. Glad you had a nice time yesterday. That candelabra - did they say how old it was? Is it dusty? That was amazing.

    1. You know...the candelabra was not at all dusty...I was surprised myself. There were actually two of them burning and they said they add candles every week. Thank you so much for your kind words.


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