Friday, November 15, 2024

Awe....this is the perfect day for me to post some pictures of my simple joys from this week.  No particular order...  I have had a "Rich" week. 

What in the world......↓↓↓


  My heart was heavy this past week when I overheard a conversation while I was standing in line to check out at the grocery store.  A young man, who was sacking groceries, asked the lady in front of me if she had a lot of family coming for Thanksgiving.  Her reply was "I sure hope the (Blank) not."

This sadden me for her and for her family. 

She is missing out on the Richness of life. 


Trips, luxury cars, and having a bank account with an endless number of ZERO's on the end...  this is how the world relates to one being RICH. While the worlds sees life this way, it is far from the truth.  

I DO NOT have a fat bank account, but I feel  very rich!  WHAT?  How can this be?

 I know how it feels to sit out in cold weather while making S'mores over an outdoor fire pit.  I know the feeling of the fire warming my body, as well as the smell of melting chocolate.  I also know the joy of singing in a Christmas cantata with the church choir, and seeing how the beautiful voices, singing in harmony, was a Blessing to others.   

Even though I can not swim, I have enjoyed the beauty of nature, while floating down a long river.  Money can not buy the peace that comes from hearing the sound of water flowing over the river rocks and feeling the cool water as it flows across your feet.  

One of the greatest experiences of my life was holding my mom's hand when God called her home.  In that moment, while holding her hand, I felt a richness of peace in knowing she was totally healed and free of pain.

This past week, I have had the awesome privilege of having my great grandkids running around my house...  They spent time decorating a Grinch Tree.....  Is the way they decorated it how I would have decorated it?  NO...but I wouldn't change a thing on it because they created what looked beautiful to them.  I also sat back and watched as they completely filled my living room with Orange tape!  Orange tape was wrapped all around every piece of furniture and door in the big room.  

The kids climbed the trees in the yard and they built themselves a comfortable bed on the big Round swing.  

Another rich blessing was watching Mylee play Basketball... I climbed the bleachers, climbed back down to go to the restroom and climbed right back up to my seat.   But oh, what a Blessing it was for me to see the happiness on her face as she scored 10 points.  

                                            My delicious meal when I had lunch with friends.


True wealth often lies in the treasures we carry within.  I believe that It is in these small experiences that our hearts are filled with joy and meaning. I love the small priceless moments that contribute to a rich life of love.  

Just my thoughts here today.....

Happy Friday!





  1. Such a beautiful post!! You are so right about the true blessings in life. Oh, I looked back at your mushroom post. I like it! Funny how so many popped up in that one spot. Yes, I am afraid to eat any of those growing in the yard. :) I love your picture in the side bar. No wonder your daughters are so pretty.

  2. And from now on you will smile whenever you see orange tape. No one will know why. 😄

    This was a wonderful post to read. I, too, feel very sorry for that lady at the store. May the Lord bless her richly and change her perspective for good.

  3. I love the Grinch Tree, it makes me feel happy, love the color and the crooked of it. and the smiling faces who love it. My mother was like you, she was not happy if the whole family was not at her house on TG and Christmas and Easter. Since I don't like to cook, I bought the food, she cooked it and my SIL and I cleaned up the huge mess she made. Have a great Thanksgiving, that is you can get to the table through all that tape

  4. Good job on the tree kids! I bet they had a blast with the orange tape!! Enjoy as they will soon be grown up and have jobs and live far away!

  5. Having family and grands around you does make you rich, indeed, Shug. Your great-grands are so cute, and I adore their Grinch tree. How clever with the orange tape, too!

  6. Your definition of "RICH" is spot-on! I, too, feel sorry for that lady at the grocers. Love the expressions on your gr-grands' faces and their imaginations, too. Memories are made of this.

  7. It's hard to say what type of situation that lady is in with her family during the holiday. It may be that her immediate family is fine, perhaps there are extended members who are drunks, ill mannered, politically different, who knows. My family got along well for holidays. My husbands' family is huge and full of turds, so I might make a similar comment when they are dropping in for a visit.

  8. What a joy filled post. You are experiencing true wealth in your life. Love the grinch tree

  9. You are very lucky to have your grandchildren nearby.

  10. Yes, your life is rich! And full of love.

  11. Lovely thoughts and a reminder to appreciate all of the blessings in our lives that money can't buy.

  12. You are rich indeed! Money is nice to have, but some of our "Richest" times were when we were young, broke and just starting out as a family.

  13. Yes, it's a beautiful thing to be surrounded by loved ones, and I just had a special visitor myself this week bringing me goodies. But it's also good for the body and soul to be quiet and still once in a while, and I believe that way we can give our hearts what it needs, stability. I see the world in a rush rush go go situation, and I often wonder why they always have to be on the go. There should be a balance of fun and lovely calm. That being said, the Grinch is so cute dressed in Pink. And the Grinch tree is adorable. It's so delightful how the kids decorated your living room with ribbon, so cute. You're right, Shug, we don't have to have a fat bank account to be rich. Thanks for sharing your thoughts today. : )


  14. You are one of the reasons I am smiling in my life.
    I love how you let the kids tape everything. I was that way too when Andy was young - but he's all grown up now. I miss those days.
    I am so glad you see the REAL purpose in life and what is really important. Money is not everything God is and then family - in my opinion.
    And Mylee playing basketball!

  15. Wonderful post. Yes, life is so short and it's important to actually connect with the world around us. Loving the excitement on their faces with the "Grinch" tree. The orange tape did throw me for a loop though.


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