Thursday, November 21, 2024

Mirror, Mirror

 New Decorating Topic: 

Can you have too many mirrors in a room?  

I have been wanting a mirror on the wall behind my sofa for quite some time now.  I've actually been looking for just the right one for over a year now.  I finally found one that caught my eye and it was on sale!!  

I was uncertain about hanging yet another mirror in our living area, because I already have three of them in this area.  I felt that I needed to ask a friend of mine (who is a decorator) what her thoughts were on having multiple mirrors in one room.

My friend advised me to strategically place them on walls that would enhance the room's lighting, space and ambiance.  Considering the style and the size of the new mirror I was able to hang it on a wall that created a soft connection...  Yay!!!!

I honestly like using mirrors especially during the Holiday season because they reflect the lights from the Christmas tree and the mantle.  In the evening time, it gives the room a magical look.  I love it!!!! ❤️

Of course, my friend knew that I had already  given myself permission to hang the mirror exactly where I had originally wanted it to be.......LOL  

Do you decorate with Mirrors??  I do love how the Christmas lights reflect so beautifully in the mirrors.  

Wishing you a feel good day!



  1. Shug, I love mirrors, and I have been wanting to get just the right one. I'm pretty picky when it comes to mirrors. But Yes, you can see the reflection of the Christmas lights in our homes and even the twinkling lights on the mantel. The one you picked out is charming, and I really like that one with the white frame too. I'm glad you found a perfect spot for your new mirror. And I hope you're feeling better with each day, Shug.


  2. I have a mirror in my living room that looks a lot like yours with the arch and the panes. I like mirrors too!
    Glad yours worked out!

  3. Not yet, no ... but you've just given me a whole new point of "view." My mind's spinning like the ceiling fan. Thanks for the notion!

  4. That's a great idea! Mirrors do make rooms look brighter and more spacious.

  5. The bathrooms and bedroom have large mirrors, of course, but other than that I don't have much (other than tiny fun ones that are more decorative than functional).

  6. Hi, I only have mirrors in our bathroom and bedroom.
    You have me thinking I should add some, thank you! :-)

  7. No mirrors other than the one in the bathroom and on my dresser.

  8. I love mirrors and yours is one I would love to have. I was 40 and bob 48 when we got married, his house had nothing. ha ha the first thing I bought was a gorgeous round antique mirror to hang over the sofa, I had a blast the first year because we were POOR and pay check to paycheck. we went every week end to the local flea market, which was an old drive-in theater. people came with trucks, cars and wagons selling their items out of the back of the vehicles. I bought a table sitting in a driveway for 15 dollars, and anything I found that was cheap. the bathroom was hideous, I had the bright idea, now remember this was 1985, to tile one wall with those stick on mirror tiles. at first I loved it but then I decided it was tacky and TRIED to take them down, OOPS!
    that said, I have 3 mirrors in our bedroom, the two bathroom mirrors, and the NOOK, in the living area, which is kitchen/dining/living space . back in 1993 a woman in my SS class, said the clothing store she worked in was replacing all mirrors and giving away what was in the dressing rooms, I came home with 3 sheets of mirror and paid a glass man to come install it in the nook and put glass shelves. I have loved it since but now if I had magic wand would wipe it away. TOO MUCH WORK.
    short answer would have been, sticking with my first line of I LOVE MIRRORS.

    1. I love these stories!! they made me smile because I have done some very similar things. oh the things we do sometimes. loved this cute comment

  9. I see your tree thru the new mirror! and the mirror is so YOU! Your wait was worth it. But my favorite is the one that has a white frame and looks like window panes.

  10. P.S. I have one big fancy mirror in the hallway. I waited till it went on sale at Pier 1. Now you have given me an idea to post it! It has a jeweled mosaic border.

  11. Dear Shug....Oh yes, I LOVE decorating with mirrors. They are, as you say, perfect, especially at Christmas time. They are so enchanting. Yours look very beautiful. I was reading through some previously written posts of yours and am so sorry you and your husband were sick. That is NOT funny. I would not like to have paid that $35 fee, though. Thanks for all your delightful posts. And thanks for visiting Writing Straight from the Heart and for commenting, too. Love when you stop by.

  12. I have two mirrors in the bathroom does that count? I am not much into decorating...I just have some of my favorite things surrounding us:)

  13. Mirrors - well I am not big on them - lol - we do have them in the bathrooms and I have a long mirror to check out how we look. But your home looks so pretty with them. Does it make your room look bigger? So pretty.


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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

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